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Attention developers:
You're working on getting the module 8 New Player Experience onto Risia for testing. Do you know that very many players will be unable to test it because they won't be able to make new Risia characters?
Not only are many players already at the maximum character limit on their one main server, but Risia is actually a merge of characters from every single USA server. More than anywhere else, it is likely to have accounts well over the limit.
And to make matters worse, the NPE is designed around character creation and testing builds as they level, so it's a kind of content that simply can't be explored without the ability to make many new characters.
I suspect someone might reply: "Oh it's no real problem, simply delete a bunch of Risia characters until you can eventually make a new one". Bzzt, wrong, sorry no. Telling players to delete Risia chars to make room for testing means they're crippling their future ability to test later Risia content, because they won't have the appropriate mid/high level characters to play it properly.
Of course, an alternative way to ensure Risia can be used to test NPE is to add a function to "reroll" a character slot without going through Delete->Create. But I doubt Turbine could add that in a reasonable time, while bumping up the slot limit by some big number should be an easy change (and it doesn't appear at all that someone will "take advantage" by playing on Risia a lot...!)