Ok, seeing that about everything thread in the DDO Development Discussion section of the forums gets derailed into a S&B versus TWF discussion, I'm guessing that we make a real thread to talk about it rather than just derail every thread on the forums.
However, as the title say, it's not me suggesting "do this" as if it would be the best way to fix it, but rather, I'll just be throwing a few questions out there that we have to ask ourselves before starting to suggest anything. We have to reflect on the overall structure we want to be stuck with after. We have to reflect on what we think is healthy or unhealthy for the game. We have to reflect on the consequences of anything we suggest.
From there, we can start debating, trying to figure out what is best, etc.
So, here are a few questions to answer.
- Is it a good idea for Turbine to change drastically the definitions and roles of the fighting styles in DDO? Why?
In other words, is it a good thing for Turbine to allow the current issues at end game to force them modify how S&B operates and let TWF stay as good at AC as it currently is? Are you OK with TWF having that much AC? Should Turbine let TWF become the way for AC and give something else to S&B to compensate, or should Turbine give the AC advantage to S&B and let TWF reach decent AC instead of their currently unmatched one? Is it OK for Turbine to change the way the game is drastically and jump into unknown? Do you or don't you think it's worth the risk?
- Is it OK for Turbine to nerf in this situation? Why? If yes, by how much (or how)? And why?
Are things so out of whack that there is no way to overcome the huge gap that grew between S&B and high dexterity TWF with a monk splash? Is the monk splashed so overpowered that the only way to fix it is a nerf? Are abilities like Tempest I's AC bonus and Favored Defense III or the Icy Rainment so overpowered that they require nerfing for things to be brought back in line?
- If you answered no to the previous question, would you change your mind if a full respect system would be implemented? If you answered yes to the previous question, are you in favor of a respect system and would you nerf more if there was one? In both cases, why?
- Are you scared of inflation? Why?
Do you think that buffing the capacity of S&B to reach AC would cause many problems to the game? Are you scared that it would push into overspecialization? Do you think that scores inflation caused far too many problems in the game? Are you scared it would have a negative impact of the casual gamers?
- Do you think it would be a good idea reduce the AC scores that PCs can reach if mobs' to-hits were also lowered? What about just lowering mobs' to-hits? Justify your answers.
Are comfortable with monsters' to-hit at end game? In Elite dungeons? Do you think they are too high? If you're OK with their to-hit, are you OK from a S&B point of view or a high Dexterity TWF (and/or monk splash) point of view? Are you happy of the fact that defensive builds are more penalized by running the quest on Elite than DPS builds?
- Would you like to see a bunch of feats to improve S&B? Any suggestions? (It can be either in the form of feats or just unrefined ideas that still need to be rethought. It can be as general as "Something giving them DR would be cool." if you want.) If you use feats already existing in PnP, please indicate the book.
- Do you think that S&B could use more DPS, also, to be brought back in line?
- Do you think paladins and fighters should become S&B specialists and receive enhancements focused on S&B fight? Explain your answer.
In other words, do you believe that Turbine should address the issue by also improving the fighter and/or paladin class which happen to need help and be using that combat style very often, even if it penalizes the S&B rogues, bards and others? Do you believe that Turbine should favor classes to use only certain fighting styles, or you rather them to keep it open and make more choices valid? Do you think it's simply better to improve S&B as a whole and paladins and fighers will gain from it as much, if not more?
- Do you think S&B should have the ability (or opportunity) to be protected by other means than AC? If yes, list a few.
- Would you be in favor of a cap on Dodge AC? Why?
The questions in bold are the real questions, the rest under, in not bolded text, are simply guidelines, explanations, things to consider before replying. You don't have to reply to it directly, it's more to explain what I meant by the question. By replying to the question, you'll very likely address it but please justify your answers, it's very important! A simple yes/no doesn't contribute much to the conversation whereas a lengthy reply will bring a lot.
Now, if you don't understand what is the point of balancing, check this thread.
If you think S&B is balanced, well go and debate on another thread. This is not the place for that.
Oh, don't be shy to post your suggestions.
Thanks for answering.