Im new to the game, and even if i know well the D&D rules, in the game i am wondering what is the difference between both
Im new to the game, and even if i know well the D&D rules, in the game i am wondering what is the difference between both
Pro Wizard........what can be a total spell book to choose from between rests. One more spell per level to chose from at any time. Getting higher level spells one level earlier than fire wall at level 7 instead of 8. Better mulit classer for most things, int for rogue as an example. Extra metamagic feat at level 1 5 10 15 20 which could allow for fancy feats like quicken and enlarge and heighten.
Pro Sorc..........40% more useable mana than a wizard and therefore 40% more spell spamming. Twice as fast a casting time and cool down so you can magic missle that critter to death, or finger of death a whole room of baddies.
For now, even though the wizards benifits look to be overwhelming the sorc probably has the edge still in playability if you want to power thru quests. Wizards have caught up significanly though recently with both greater mana pools to work with and a higher demand for less used spells like area of effect and debuffs. Expect as the level progression works to 20 that wizards likely will leap frog in my opinion the softening sorc dominance.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
There's one thing that could interfere with your theory on Wizards gaining over Sorcs, Varr. If they don't add more and better 8th and 9th level spells, then the extra spell slots Wizards gain at those levels aren't going to mean nearly as much at 20th level. As long as there are more useful spells than sorcs can take at the upper levels, wizards will gain ground. If those spells don't appear, then sorcs will still be on top.
As for what to recommend for a new player, wizard would give you more flexibility, but adding new spells to your spellbook can get somewhat expensive. With a sorc, you don't have to worry about that as much, and with spell swapping available, you aren't stuck with your choices forever. It is a close call, and it is hard to recommend one over the other. Your personal playstyle will also affect the choice.
Freeman - Human Bard - Thelanis Fulfilling my duty to the ladies of Stormreach
Yuvben(Halfling Rogue), Acana(Drow Sorcerer), Walket(Human Cleric), Mahoukami (WF Wizard), Knicapper(Horc Fighter), Pyetr(Human Bard), Mazinger (WF Barb), and Belcar(Halfling Ranger).
Like Freeman I recommend Wizard for new players. Adding new spells to your spellbook is not more expensive than spell swapping with a trainer as there is a cost associated with that too so I think in the end they balance for new players. Being a Wizard allows the new player to experiment more with each spell (once memmed to spellbook) to learn how they work in DDO, and gain that valuable experiance. Once they get that all down, then roll a sorc and then use their advantages as stated before to build that uber boomstick
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I started a sorcered actualy and he's level 2 (have xp for level 3) i kinda regret my choice of sorcerer, mainly cause i lack of spell, should i reroll wizard ? or maybe multiclassing in wizard could fix it ?
Im self convinced that they are going to add more specialized utility spells like they did at level 8 and virtually no game breaking firewall/finger of death level 9 spell. Goign to be alot more greater shout type spells for game balance, just my believe. I think as the mana pools approach 3000 for sorcs and 2000 for wizards closing on level 20 that with debuffs and more open usage of utility spells wizards will be the prefered class for non solo use. As of now, my Var on Khyber is a drow 16 sorc with all the goodies and (finger/banish at level 7) is deff my most powerfull character, but Ive already seen my wizards catching up in every catagory except the ability to solo high level content spamming instakills. Just to mention that Im not rooting either way since I have horses in both stables.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
Dont multi class a sorc ever in my opinion. Level 1-5 stink for sorcs and 1-4 stinks for wizards. Suggest either rerolling a wizard or look to the sorc forums for help on low level sorc play. Spells I suggest (in conjunction with the spell swapping allowed, gerrr)
Level 1 take charm person, hypnotize
Level 2 take niacs
Level 3 take magic missle
Level 4 take web
Level 5 take blur (switch Hypnotize to night shield)
Level 6 take haste
Level 7 take fireball, resist energy (switch charm person to jump)
These are just my spell selection suggestions.
Varr's all over. Cannith Varr getting the love currently.
I think both wizard and sorc fall within the intermediate difficulty catagory. A new player will have trouble with both builds until he understands the effect of each of his spells, the benefits of using those spells in certain circumstances, and the likelihood of aggro from each of his spells. That being said, a wizard is probably easier for a new player to level up because wizards get more spells, gets them earlier than sorcs, and can swap spells each rest. Playing a wizard will allow a new player to experience all of the spells. As an added bonus, you can unlock drow and 32 pointers with a wizard and use those to make your sorc.
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I started with a wizard until I felt comfortable with the arcane class. I switched to sorcerer once I felt I knew, mostly, what I was doing.
Sorcerer is more powerful and has a larger mana pool so has better staying power. Biggest down side is that you have to get the spell selection right. This is more complex because what is most useful at low and intermediate -- and even at the bottom edges of upper -- levels isn't what is most useful at the top end.
One other thing to remember with Wizard.
Once you get high enough, there are certain spells that are no longer (easily) available on scrolls (i.e. you can't buy them from Vendors, only from chests / AH) [things like Firewall and Dimension Door come to mind if I'm not mistaken].
For mana, as a starting character / player, try getting through Water Works and picking up Venn's Necklace (and probably the Black Widow Bracers if you can get them... otherwise, Mage Armor pots are your friend).
Moved on to focus on RL - 10/6/08
Not sure if this is a beginners type convo or if we're talking over-all but wizards seem to have become a lot more usuable end game than sorcs.
I think its really a player preference type thing. Either you set out and know what you want yer guy to do or you enjoy being more versatile.
Ive got a 16 sorc who Id never change, but no wizard. Im sure they are both as powerful and fun in their own ways.
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Of The O.S.D, Argonnessen
the difference as I see it is a choice between tactical play and strategic play.
The sorc is tactical: sorc's have the spell points to cast at everything they see.
Wizards are more strategic, they try to shape the fight and of course nuke the
critical targets.
you can play any way you want but a wizzy that casts at everything
in sight all the time will be asking the cleric for dv's. A sorc that goes enchant/
buff/debuff route will probably be a surprise to most pugs.
The Office of the Exchequer. 1750 on all live servers via Pure pugging. Thank you very much to all who helped carry a gimp. (wayfinder was a soloist build)
Never take both wizard and sorceror levels; stick with one or the other. Adding wizard to sorceror doesn't give your sorceror the versatility of a wizard (you would get a separate page for your wizard spells entirely separate from your sorceror spells and cast at your wizard's class level, not total character level), it just slows down your progress as a sorceror (fewer sorceror spells, lower caster level).
If you want more versatility (more different spells), rolling a wizard from scratch would be a good option. Alternatively, if you want to stick with the sorceror consider using wands for some of your spells. Wands of damaging spells are far less effective than casting them directly, but they can help at low levels, and wands of buffs (like mage armor & eagle's splendor) are definitely worthwhile.
Good luck, enjoy, and don't be shy about asking questions - there are plenty of people on the forums who love giving advice![]()
Also, wands for spells that have no saves are great to have with a Sorc (or any character that has either the UMD, or at least one arcane level). I have a Paladin that took a level of Sorc for not just the extra SP, but the ability to wand things like Ray of Enfeeblement, Repair etc...
Moved on to focus on RL - 10/6/08
in the end sorc win teh faster castign is just SOOOOOO nice...
However if your new to MMO/D&D then definetly go wiz first to let you learn a bit more, or just realize you may want to reroll your sorc a few tiems befor you get to high level![]()
Most choices can be changed later any way spelsl and feats...
SKILSL on the other hand cant for a sorc i STRONGLY recomend you MAX UMD it wont realyl come in to play untill higherlevel but you will be very happy to have it then.
FOR a sorc MAX CHA, put a LOT in CON (spend at least 6 build points), after that it doesnt realyl matter flavor to taste.
I still play my Original(sorta) 28 pt sorc, (tecnicaly i rerolled her at level 3 since back then there was NO way to ever change spells like in PnP and I had taken summon monster 1 thinkign i could swap it out later.. in PnP it would have bene a good choice)
Depends on your style a bit I did take charm at levle 1 it;s not my style i think i had hympnotism and Burnign hands .... Crowd control and AE nuke, I took MM at level 2 and somethign at level 3 now adays that somethign would be jump, and I'd prolly plan to swap burnign hands for nightshild/sheild as soon as I had a levle 2 nuke spell.
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