OK I've not posted on here before and i rarely check the threads here but when i do there is a staggering ammount of [a guild] mentioned almost always not for good reasons. Yes i get the point some certain members of that guild have an attitude.
I have my reasons for not liking some people from there but what in the seven levels of hell. JUST DONT RUN WITH THEM. try it it works really good or even better just dont run with the ones you know and dont so much love and give the others a try. I accidently accepted some one from that guild a few weeks back to a party and he turned out great. it kind of made me wonder how many other good players i have deprived myself of running with.
Im not saying that they are gods gift to ddo as some members would have us believe but **** they get blamed for everything. some one DC's from a group and its "oh oh oh was it [the guild]?" or i ran with some one from that guild and they got a +3 tome and took it and didnt give it to me, i got drunk and sold my man hood on the auction house because i was possesed by [that guild], or my puppy died because that must have been there fault.
OH and by the way say what you want about them they really dont care allthough the cube might. Yes some of them can be arrogant at times hell so can i but they are good at what they do. Any way grow up find some one else to run with and just please for the love gorrn quit whinning.