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  1. #1
    Community Member SniptheShadow's Avatar
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    Default Dragon Age

    So who's gonna try this game out?

    I'm not sure I have the spare time (grad school) to give to more than DDO - and even my play time here is suffering, but I sure like the looks of this Bioware game.

    And Bioware hasn't let me down yet. Lots of fond memories of NWN.

    Thoughts on Dragon Age?


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  2. #2
    Relic of the Last War
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    Thumbs up I'm hoping it'll be good

    I'm excited about that project as well as their "unnamed" Lucas Arts Interactive Project: projected to quite feasibly be Star Wars Galaxies 2: Age(s) of the Old Republic

    I'm not sure if Dragon Age will do it for me. There are 2-3 fantasy mmorpgs within the next 2 years and 2 sci-fi fantasy mmorpgs that I'm interested in. SWG2, SWO, Dragon Age, Hero's Journey (may never happen though, using The Hero Engine that they sold to Bioware) & Darkfall (which it & SWO are the 2 closest to release).

    Anyway, Dragon Age was announced in 2005 and it's 2008 without that much hype built up yet. Hopefully it's a sleeper (just like Hero's Journey) and wows when it releases, but I'm not counting the days for anything 'cept Stargate World's Online (SWO) atm.

  3. #3
    Founder Dariuss's Avatar
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    i'm also excited about the possible new Star Wars MMO. I would be on that like a fat kid on a smartie.

    I expect I'll try Dragon Age. Bioware is just too good to pass up.... KotOR 1+2, BG 1+2, JE.... all really really good
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  4. #4
    Community Member RazorrX's Avatar
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    Awesome vids so far! Look forward to this game. I have been haunting the forums since they first went up, and have to say it seems quite promising.

    For the bioware MMO, I kind of hope it is a Jade Empire MMO. I just want to get my kung fu on some more.
    This space for Rent

  5. #5


    Someone in this thread listed Dragon Age as an MMO, but it's not. Single player only.

    It looks AMAZING. All-caps do not do justice to the preview footage.

    And Bioware made my favorite game, ever, so anything they do automatically interests me.

    I have one concern tho... Jade Empire looked awesome too. And in fact it was awesome! I completely loved it.

    For about 20 hours. It was like they forgot to put in most of the game.

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