Has anyone heard or am I missing it? Does anyone know?
Will I get to use some of these large ingredients to craft my monk some Greensteel HANDWRAPS after MOD 8 hits or will I have to settle for a pair of expensive GS kamas or even a GS quarterstaff?
What is the word? If a DEV happens on this, it would be great to hear one way or the other. I have the MONK, he has the large ingredients, he has one GS KAMA blank ready and the stuffs for my second, unless of course I opt for the QS. All I need is the go ahead by hearing they are not coming in MOD8 or the wait, hold the crafting, MOD8 will have the HANDWRAPS.
PLEASE oh PLEASE, let us MONKS off the hook on this one! Please tell us if the HANDWRAPS are coming! Thanks for listenin! Feel free to chime in!
~ Dex (Qyx when I am rolling my MONK)