Just buying a few low level RR items:
- +4 charisma cloak (min lvl 7)
- +4 strength gloves (min lvl 7)
- +4 wisdom ring (min lvl 7)
- +3 protection ring (min lvl 7) (I think +3 RR is min lvl 7.. or was it +4..)
ANY RR is fine, but RR elf is a plus. I'd prefer to pay in plat but let me know what you want for the items.
In the extremely unlikely event that someone has an adamantine khopesh of greater construct bane, min lvl 6 or 8, and would actually part with it, I'd be willing to buy it too.
Lastly, if you have say an umd dwarven melee and would be interested in a byeshk icyburst d-axe of greater aberration bane, RR halfling, min lvl 8, let me know. Ideally I'd love to trade for a similar scimitar, longsword, rapier or khopesh, RR whatever.