Originally Posted by
1. Sleet Storm - PnP effect is to reduce visibility to zero and to cut movement in 1/2 with a made save. Think DDO's movement penalty is 1/2 your movement? I can run, with Haste on, and if I'm running against the randomly chosen slide direction, I'll barely move. I HAVE to turn to move in the direction of the slide to move at even 1/10th my movement, let alone 1/2.
Just make it the book value and be done with it.
2. Not all Red-Named foes are in the Shroud. There are red named CR3 Kobold Shamans in the harbour, too, and they have Death Ward just like the big CR20 demons and devils that you could conceivably argue should have it. When the link between believability and a mechanic gets broken, that's basically just lazy programming. How about a compromise with Death Block instead of Death Ward? At least then Enervation and Blindness would work without opening up the instant kills with FoD.
3. Wizards are more flexible? In the PnP game, definitely. On DDO? LOL.
Count the Arcane spells for Wizards in the PHB and then count them on DDO - there is a huge drop. Do the same thing with clerics and the drop is considerably smaller. I'll use 7th level spells as an example:
a) Clerics - 11 in PHB, 10 on DDO. All ten given upon attaining this caster level.
b) Wizards - 35 in PHB, 13 on DDO. One given at level up, the rest must be inscribed. Inscription costs in PHB are 700gp per spell. Inscription costs in DDO are 5-6000 gp per spell, plus the cost of the scroll. For those keeping count, that's up to 75 000gp a wizard has to drop to even get all the spells at 7th level. When he's done dropping the coin, he's got three measly more spells than a cleric to choose from.
To recap, the number of spells the wizard can choose from went DOWN considerably to more or less on par with the Cleric, the costs of adding those remaining spells to his spell book went drastically UP ... but despite two huge changes to the detriment of his flexibility, he's supposedly remained in balance. I don't buy that at all.
4. Lower spell level DCs - Yeah, Heighten works wonders, which is why I have it as a feat. It's a band aid on a broken mechanic, though (and it is broken in the PnP game, too). Think about it ... saves go up with your level. DC goes up with your stat. No matter how you slice it, your stat isn't going to go up every time you level, but at least one of your saves will. That means that as the level cap increases, spells will become less and less useful and mobs will save more and more often. You literally can't get your DC high enough, fast enough, to offset the rise in saves.