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  1. #161
    Community Member The_Phenx's Avatar
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    Got a new home... Yay!
    Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
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  2. #162
    Community Member The_Phenx's Avatar
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    And the little guy made the builders spotlight in the chronicle... thanks Tolero...
    Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
    Khyber, Jesters Court

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  3. #163
    Community Member The_Phenx's Avatar
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    Just some thoughts on my weapons for those who are considering what to make and what to use.

    I currently favor several weapons

    lightning strike staff
    earthgrab staff
    shining cresents
    +5 maladroit of bonebreaking
    +3 weakening of enfeebling
    +5 Transmuting of Pure good

    Will touch on the benefits of each and hope it helps you with your decision

    Shroud Lightning II staff wtih force hit ritual
    Good per hit damage... 6-15 + 3d6 (holy+elec) + 1 (Force) and it rarely decides to proc a ligtning bolt and destroy an enemy. I have found that the lightning even tho its fantastic when it does go off it just doesnt go off nearly enough. I find myself using this mostly for things that need a lot of pounding that are immune to special effects and have no dr. Think red named orthons in VOD. It works fantastic for that.

    Earthgrab Staff W/ Force Crit Ritual
    Decent per hit damage 6-15 + 2d6 (acid) Shines really well on crits... and since earthgrab is autocrit.....Fantastic for low reflex mobs, elementals, mephits, trogs, casters... It procs maybe 5% of the time or more, and when combined with cleave is fairly destructive. I find myself using this mainly for trash mob beatings, and elementals, since the acid damage is feirce. The thing to remember here is that when earthgrabbed your whole party gets to participate in the worlds fastest beatdowns... PLUS you get two handy earthies to summon to help whopp and earthgrab mobs with you. (which happens a lot)

    Great Damage vs Evil outsiders as its +5 greater evil outsider bane, and on a crit target looses 1-3 levels. I find myself using this a lot in the sub and in certain parts of the shroud and vale. 1 or two crits and the mob is completely disabled and just useful for target practice, its especially handy when there is a twf weakening rouge in the party with you. A good tactic with high HP mobs is to w/e them until they auto crit then switch to the spitter and drop them in 4 swings.

    Shining Crescents
    Highest base damage, 2d6 but meh...only has nifty value

    +5 maladroit of bonebreaking
    +3 weakening of enfeebling

    Obviously great but then can be a bit boring.

    +5 Transmuting of PG

    This is my boss beater. Vs the pt fiend and sulu, it cant be beat for raw damage except by a +3 trans greatever evil outsider or a mineral II.

    So whats the right answer... there really isnt one... When the dreamspitter crits and you enervate a mobs its always a fun oooOOOOO.... when the earthgrab goes off and you destroy someone really fast its great too... when that rare lightning goes.. .its truly fun.

    ***Thoguhts on Radiance II***

    Crits happen often enough, but most small hp mobs that can be blinded will probably die from a beating before they are blinded by a radiance II would require a mob with decent hit points before it was super pimp. But that being said... someone make me one. And I may actually make one just to see what the hubub's all about.
    Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
    Khyber, Jesters Court

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  4. #164
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Phenx View Post
    Just some thoughts on my weapons for those who are considering what to make and what to use.

    I currently favor several weapons

    lightning strike staff
    earthgrab staff
    shining cresents
    +5 maladroit of bonebreaking
    +3 weakening of enfeebling
    +5 Transmuting of Pure good

    Will touch on the benefits of each and hope it helps you with your decision

    Shroud Lightning II staff wtih force hit ritual
    Good per hit damage... 6-15 + 3d6 (holy+elec) + 1 (Force) and it rarely decides to proc a ligtning bolt and destroy an enemy. I have found that the lightning even tho its fantastic when it does go off it just doesnt go off nearly enough. I find myself using this mostly for things that need a lot of pounding that are immune to special effects and have no dr. Think red named orthons in VOD. It works fantastic for that.

    Earthgrab Staff W/ Force Crit Ritual
    Decent per hit damage 6-15 + 2d6 (acid) Shines really well on crits... and since earthgrab is autocrit.....Fantastic for low reflex mobs, elementals, mephits, trogs, casters... It procs maybe 5% of the time or more, and when combined with cleave is fairly destructive. I find myself using this mainly for trash mob beatings, and elementals, since the acid damage is feirce. The thing to remember here is that when earthgrabbed your whole party gets to participate in the worlds fastest beatdowns... PLUS you get two handy earthies to summon to help whopp and earthgrab mobs with you. (which happens a lot)

    Great Damage vs Evil outsiders as its +5 greater evil outsider bane, and on a crit target looses 1-3 levels. I find myself using this a lot in the sub and in certain parts of the shroud and vale. 1 or two crits and the mob is completely disabled and just useful for target practice, its especially handy when there is a twf weakening rouge in the party with you. A good tactic with high HP mobs is to w/e them until they auto crit then switch to the spitter and drop them in 4 swings.

    Shining Crescents
    Highest base damage, 2d6 but meh...only has nifty value

    +5 maladroit of bonebreaking
    +3 weakening of enfeebling

    Obviously great but then can be a bit boring.

    +5 Transmuting of PG

    This is my boss beater. Vs the pt fiend and sulu, it cant be beat for raw damage except by a +3 trans greatever evil outsider or a mineral II.

    So whats the right answer... there really isnt one... When the dreamspitter crits and you enervate a mobs its always a fun oooOOOOO.... when the earthgrab goes off and you destroy someone really fast its great too... when that rare lightning goes.. .its truly fun.

    ***Thoguhts on Radiance II***

    Crits happen often enough, but most small hp mobs that can be blinded will probably die from a beating before they are blinded by a radiance II would require a mob with decent hit points before it was super pimp. But that being said... someone make me one. And I may actually make one just to see what the hubub's all about.

    16 Reaver runs later and still no Dreamspitter
    I have tier 2 of a rad II q-staff built, but I don't have 6 scales to throw at this gal right now. I'll let you know how I like it once I get it finished.

    Thanks a lot for the fun build! I really enjoy running this toon. I'm uploading some FRAPS of my attack speed using a haste pot and haste boost and the above with divine power going. Does madstone up your attack speed? I really have no idea.

    Vids: Sorry about the poor quality. YouTube didnt like AVIs so I made em into MPGs

    With haste, rogue speed boost IV and the acrobat stuff:
    All that with Divine Power (16 BAB!):
    Last edited by rest; 03-01-2009 at 04:47 PM.

  5. #165
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
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    That sure is attacking pretty fast.
    Check out my: My Index of Builds / My Capped Characters on Khyber: Krythan II / Velkro Sorcerer / Krythen 13/6/1 Rogue
    Need Some XP? / AFK for a bit: School. / See WF Body Feat Appearances

  6. #166
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    Default Unarmed Attack

    How would it work using handwraps and gonly only 13 str for the power attack and the rest for dex and weapon finesse.

  7. #167
    Community Member The_Phenx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rest View Post
    16 Reaver runs later and still no Dreamspitter
    I have tier 2 of a rad II q-staff built, but I don't have 6 scales to throw at this gal right now. I'll let you know how I like it once I get it finished.

    Thanks a lot for the fun build! I really enjoy running this toon. I'm uploading some FRAPS of my attack speed using a haste pot and haste boost and the above with divine power going. Does madstone up your attack speed? I really have no idea.

    Vids: Sorry about the poor quality. YouTube didnt like AVIs so I made em into MPGs

    With haste, rogue speed boost IV and the acrobat stuff:
    All that with Divine Power (16 BAB!):

    Lol Great Videos... Love the toon name btw.

    I should fraps Preying at some point and put it in the main post...

    Yes Madstone adds a 20% attack speed boost along with granting a full BAB... (same as DP) Thats why they are a crucial aspect... get as many pairs as you can lol.

    Took me a whle to get the spitter too... and I am still working on that 2nd or 3rd set of boots...
    Last edited by The Phenx; 03-10-2009 at 01:14 PM.
    Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
    Khyber, Jesters Court

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  8. #168
    Community Member The_Phenx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GryphonBlade View Post
    How would it work using handwraps and gonly only 13 str for the power attack and the rest for dex and weapon finesse.
    You would loose a lot of damage going finesse ... but your to hit would be higher... its a bit of a trade off... I wanted him to be effective even when holding aggro, thats why I made it str based.

    handwraps would be fine... you would still retain all the acrobat no slip bonuses.. the sneak attack damage etc... but you would loose the 20% alacrity bonus for staff weilding. Which could be made up by dropping the dragonmarks and taking the thf line and getting the bonus hook attacks those grant...If you want to do a fist striking toon... I would go assasin instead of acrobat... that way you can insta death things.
    Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
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  9. #169
    Founder Gol's Avatar
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    I've got a character based on this build up to level 10 and just wanted to make a few comments...

    Level 20 Build: Dwarf 18 Rog / 1 Pal / 1 Monk
    Currently: 9 Rog / 1 Pal

    I'll get to 12/1 then take the Monk level, then Rogue to the end.

    So, the Paladin level. I know it's not optimal. I absolutely hate leveling without wand whipping, and I get a free point of AC/saves while I'm at it, not to mention Heavy Armor and Martial Weapons (hello Mithral Full Plate and Greataxes). You don't need evasion till VoNs or Gianthold anyway. High AC is better.

    My thoughts so far...
    • Lots of fun to play. I racked up over 100 kills in a stormcleave run with 2 barbarians higher level than me. Granted, they might have sucked, it was a pug, but still. Nobody should be posting 100 kills in SC.
    • Quarterstaffs will take a back seat until Rogue 12. The first 10% boost just isn't enough to justify using them over a Greataxe. I realize most implementations of this build won't have the proficiency, but I do so I'm using it.
    • Using a shield and a Dwarven when I need AC. Swapping between +5MBP when I need evasion and +5MFP when I don't.
    • I'm not making a Radiance stick. I just can't see the justification of using 6 Large Scales for something when 10k on the AH for Weakening of Enfeebling (and Crippling Strike) will do the job just as efficiently (hello quarterstaff crit range), not to mention being more useful to the party. Maladroit of Bone Breaking is also an option. 0 Str/Dex = auto-sneak and they can't cast stuff.
    • I'll make a Mineral 2 stick for this guy and a couple tier 2 sticks. THFers are cheap, I like that

  10. #170
    Community Member The_Phenx's Avatar
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    Heh nice man...

    The way to get a decent ac.. once you can use the raiments...decent armor bracers... bark pots...

    Had a pally nearby the other day...during a hound run, fully boosted and buffed 78 ac So once I get the chattering ring and 81 seems to be the tops...for level 16 anyway.

    As for wand whipping thats why I went halfling...dragonmarks for the win....
    Last edited by The Phenx; 03-13-2009 at 11:37 AM.
    Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
    Khyber, Jesters Court

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  11. #171
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    Thanks for posting this build! I'm working on a strength-based rogue who will go Q-staff and WoTA II. I've been wobbling but the idea now is 13 rogue/6 paladin/1 monk (or maybe 12/7/1 or 12/6/2).

    The weapon list is interesting. I think I will have to carry a few non-staff weapons.. vorpal Great axe, at least, but my thoughts have focused on Dreamspitter and weighted...
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  12. #172
    Community Member The_Phenx's Avatar
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    Neat... be careful tho.. no one knows what acrobat III is going to be yet... wouldn't want you to miss out on something really freakin cool by multiclassing yourself out of it.

    And yes I carry a set of vorpal and wounding kamas...

    I however can only hope that they include something like WOTA III into the acrobat line.. since acrobats are quarterstaff based.. yet Eladrin taunts us by saying that in the hands of an assasin a quarterstaff can insta kill, only time will tell I guess.
    Last edited by The Phenx; 03-24-2009 at 04:24 PM.
    Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
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  13. #173
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Phenx View Post
    Neat... be careful tho.. no one knows what acrobat III is going to be yet... wouldn't want you to miss out on something really freakin cool by multiclassing yourself out of it.

    And yes I carry a set of vorpal and wounding kamas...

    I however can only hope that they include something like WOTA III into the acrobat line.. since acrobats are quarterstaff based.. yet Eladrin taunts us by saying that in the hands of an assasin a quarterstaff can insta kill, only time will tell I guess.
    I'm alive to the risk I've accepted, but alea jacta est. I figure having passed up 18 rogue, I may as well go deeper with the multi-classing. Whether I'll think exalted smites and a Paladin PrE were worth it.. well.. we shall see.
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  14. #174
    Founder Gol's Avatar
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    Just hit Rog 12 last night... Showtime, Divine Power, Haste Pot, Haste Boost....

    Just sick. If only wounding came on quarterstaves

  15. #175
    Community Member The_Phenx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gol View Post
    Just hit Rog 12 last night... Showtime, Divine Power, Haste Pot, Haste Boost....

    Just sick. If only wounding came on quarterstaves
    I know right? Maybe they will make one... just one for us...

    Crippling strike is pretty fun tho.. witha dreamspitter... as soon as the target goes auto crit... oooooOOOOOO and there dead.

    You will like madstone boots more than DP 20% more speed Natural Armor +4 and full BAB FTW!!!
    Ghinsuu, Spikey, Preying, , Pyroclastic
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  16. #176
    Community Member Scalion's Avatar
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    I'm yet another player trying a similar build, but I decided to go to monk level 7 and rogue level 13. I enjoy the monk aspect with having buffs for my party members etc.

    One nice thing about my build is the way of the faithful hound enhancements go a long way to help the +to hit that I'm losing by starting with a lower strength.

    I started with 14 in all stats except for charisma, then investing future stat points into strength. For feats I have skill focus search & spot, power attack, toughness, and then I'm working towards whirlwind attack at level 15. Imp. crit will probably be my level 18 feat. (I know whirlwind attack might not be worth the investment, but it's worth a shot. I know spring attack is useful and I'll have enough AC that expertise will actually be worth using at times).

    I'll have a much higher Concentration than the monk 'splashes' and so I'll be able to make much more use of the finishing moves etc, including the ability to give myself an extra +2 to skills and saves for traps.
    Last edited by Scalion; 03-29-2009 at 07:20 PM.

  17. #177
    Community Member rest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Phenx View Post
    Lol Great Videos... Love the toon name btw.

    I should fraps Preying at some point and put it in the main post...

    Yes Madstone adds a 20% attack speed boost along with granting a full BAB... (same as DP) Thats why they are a crucial aspect... get as many pairs as you can lol.

    Took me a whle to get the spitter too... and I am still working on that 2nd or 3rd set of boots...
    Heh thanks

    I finally got my dreamspitter and, since we swing soooo fast and so much with this build, I end up enervating stuff to death! It's a lot of fun

    Oh and +1 to wishing quarterstaves could wound I swing so slow with my wounding kamas.

  18. #178
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    Question regarding monk stance...

    Assuming you hit on a 2, I totally understand that Wind Stance is the best. 2.5% alacrity for the win. But if you're missing on a 2... Taking Sun Stance for +2 Strength (+1 attack) means you're hitting on 5% more of your swings. So isn't that inherently better (in that scenario)?

  19. #179
    Community Member moorewr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gol View Post
    Question regarding monk stance...

    Assuming you hit on a 2, I totally understand that Wind Stance is the best. 2.5% alacrity for the win. But if you're missing on a 2... Taking Sun Stance for +2 Strength (+1 attack) means you're hitting on 5% more of your swings. So isn't that inherently better (in that scenario)?
    Same logic as Power Attack - if PA makes you miss you end up behind on DPS. That said it seems like most melee builds hit on every swing by the endgame...
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  20. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by moorewr View Post
    Same logic as Power Attack - if PA makes you miss you end up behind on DPS. That said it seems like most melee builds hit on every swing by the endgame...
    Full BAB melee, yes. 3/4 BAB melee (aka, Rogues), not necessarily.

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