So started looking at this for a 28 point build but I kept coming back to a human.
so i lose 1 ac, guile line(this seems the biggest loss), the luck line and a few other things.
but i'm still leaning human none the less.
I'm seeing being able to pick up power attack and THF with the bonus feat at one being a huge advantage. plus the extra skill point per level helps pickup the slack from the monk levels.
Plus adding in the ability to take the skill point of my choice with adaptability sure I don't see it till 5 as opposed to 3 for halfer dex.
Any advantage to taking wisdom over dex or str with adaptability? Opinions please.
I'm also going to be grouping with a steady group with a cleric , barb and I think a necro. So the healing will be available so should I don't think the lack of dmark will hurt.
should I pick up an improved healing or is that a waste?
I'm also wondering about when I should take the monk levels I figure lvl 2 is a good one but should I vary from the plan in the thread since I'm human?
opinions when I should take the monk 2 lvl?