Rinket and all of Attacks the Darkness (Tharashk)
Special Thanks to Shyv /cheers
Rinket and all of Attacks the Darkness (Tharashk)
Special Thanks to Shyv /cheers
Last edited by Bunker; 09-23-2008 at 04:05 AM.
Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks
That kill count is insane. How long did part 1 take?
I don't have a zerging problem.
I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.
I knew you guys would do it.
Very, very awesome.
Awesome job Bunk/Shyv.
Wow, just wow.
Archangels - Thelanis
Kyrian - Dellek - Devestia - Harleaiquin - Nakano - Narizue - Xandek
you guys sure have a hard time filling your groups...
What, there were no people online at that time?
You guys are certifiable.
well done. sure glad it wasn't me!
KhyberR e v e n a n t s RenownedThelanis
Great job guys... I knew this was coming.
Now how about letting some of us collect larges too... I'll even go afk in the beginning so you guys can do it all if you want j/k
Awsome work.
Thelanis > Melee: Galvis - Galvus / Arcane: Galvas / Divine: Sav
Nice job guys!
Prophits of the New Republic-- Khyber--PnP Vetren of more years then I wish to admit
Desteria MoonStar-Sorc20--Mcgruf The Crime Dog-Dwarf Ftr12/Pal3/Rgr5Annibelle of the Woods-Rgr20--St.Fut H'Tennek-H-Orc Barb 20Kwaiii Chang Caine-Monk 20--Sandradee-Bard 3
Holy Schnikes Batman! Great job. I wont ask how many pots and scrolls you chowed.
How many pots and scrolls did you chow.
Congrats to both you bunk and shyv... way to represent!
As for the buying mana pots thread, I do not believe it was for this, but then again I've known to be wrong
Unguilded on Thelanis Pempernel, Melyanna, Greyiira, Valienor, Pempernal, Pempernil, Pempersensai, Pempnoir, Paw, Zilvira, Celebrimbor
Proud Member of the Silver Legion - Cannith Aflac, Mabar, Pistachios, Pempernel, Melyanna, Kazoo
You guys need a catch phrase ...
I know how about
"Shake .....and Bake"
It was a lot of fun and very intense for just about all of it. Part 2 was certainly the hardest part of the whole run with getting the timing right. Our pull in 2 was:
Just an FYI, when cat and Kobold are together their regen rate is insane. And as we all know, the Gnoll just sucks. But here are some more screenies from my end.
Archangels~Shyvik~Old school Tharashk player since '06
Well I can say with 100% certainty that I didn't use any Major Mneumoincs. As for my resources I used 80 repair pots, 20 haste pots, and a few fire protection pots. So almost all of the resources were on Bunks end so /salute to him. That being said, that skeletal bastard in part 3 had my number.
Archangels~Shyvik~Old school Tharashk player since '06
One thing Shyv and I learned was the difficulty did not reflect equally on the reward. I pulled 1 Large Arrowhead and Shyv got the olde Double Large Bone.
- 48 Major Mnemonic Potions (I consumed 24 in part 4 and the other 24 was from part 1 & 2)
- 450 Reconstruct Scrolls
- 100 other scrolls (GH, TS, Sleetstorm, UWB )
Yeah, this 2-Man Shroud kind of has something to do with my WTB Majors Thread. In case of us having to do many attempts to get a completions, that Market Thread was kind of a preemptive strike at possible withering supplies. I have still looking to purchase Major Mnemonics for other challenges on the board.
Last edited by Bunker; 09-22-2008 at 10:52 AM.
Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks
WOW. What a feat. Amazing.
To think I was trying to lead a shaky twelve-man through part 2 (and failing) that night.
I don't even grok how you did part 1. I assume shyver stood around chopping portals and bunk chugged pots and ran the bases finger portal keepers and trogs.. Part two must have taken some fancy footwork. did you have to kill the bosses more than once?. Part 3.. obviously you did all the puzzles, so one of you must have a rogue level or you used Knock.. Parts 4 & 5 are easy to see. spam reconstruct and reconstruct scrolls. That's easier to grasp than parts 1 & 2 in terms of imagining trying this.
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