I was wondering if others felt the same on this subject. I'm usually a strong "No Zerg" type of player much preferring to take my time and enjoy the quests I'm in verse actually running though them to get them done in 6.2 minutes. However, I also agree that there are times when it is not so bad to do so.
Recently I've been running some lowbie favor runs.. It actually surprised me at how many I hadn't done on my rogue. I have no problems with the current system of N/H/E having to be done to unlock the next difficulty up, however when you are now over 10 lvls above the base level of the quest, it does get a little tiring when you have to do smugglers warehouse (which is smash the boxes to get the rubies) over and over. Could we change it so that once a player gets to be X levels over the max lvl of the quest, Elite is automatically unlocked? Or, I wouldn't be opposed to doing away with the N/H/E locking system altogether, as some have suggested. Personally, I never really understood why it is there, even though on occasion I've been happy when a group wanting to do Quest X on Elite can't open it on Elite.