Title says its all,
Lonley skinny good looking +2 tome of dexterity, seeks swap for +2 planer gird to slip onto a small (yet tubby) ranger.
PM me, leave me a msg here or look me up in game.
Title says its all,
Lonley skinny good looking +2 tome of dexterity, seeks swap for +2 planer gird to slip onto a small (yet tubby) ranger.
PM me, leave me a msg here or look me up in game.
Show me someone who believes in something, and I will show you a fool : Kerr Avon
Will send tell in ~15 min
OR will swap large's lmk whatcha looking for
Show me someone who believes in something, and I will show you a fool : Kerr Avon
Still looking to make the trade or have you traded the tome yet?
Quick question: would this trade work for other tomes, specifically wis and int?
Nope still looking for the trade, fed up running XC and pulling leather armor and everyone else is basking in Girds.
Show me someone who believes in something, and I will show you a fool : Kerr Avon