The only time i have ever experienced a stuck in loading screen issue, is when the +1 loot weekends would hit, or in the Abbott due to goggles. Today, roughly around 1pm PST, I was playing a lowbee character in Sorrowdusk when i was hit with the problem. Now, its 8pm PST, and all my characters on my account suffer from this issue. If i crash the client and wait about 10 minutes, and then restart a fresh client of DDO, I can log in very slowly to the Server selection screen, where I see all servers 'up' except Ghalanda (my server) and if i then wait another 5-7 minutes, the client then shows me its 'up' as well. So now i click to join Ghalanda, and the usual stuff shows up (splash screen ect.) and then to Character Selection. I select a Character, its loads, I am able to move about, but I notice the (Unable to join Chat Server) in the general chat window. I wait about 2 mins then (You are now logged into the Chat server) appears. I have changed my userpreference.ini file to use port:9000 as other forums have stated. Keep in mind i have been playing with no setting changes to my computer, no wacky downloads, or changes of any kind on my end. Now that i am able to use 'the chat server' I join up with a guildie and test my chat. Works fine. Latency is around 143 ms and 0.0% Loss (normal for my end of things). We decide to test and see if its a random occurance, so we run to the Vale and i try to jump into Rainbow.. and lo and behold : Stuck in loading screen. I have tried even to talk to a GM inside the game when i was actually able to login properly, and the one that i spoke to said to contact Tech Support.
I am curious if anyone else has been suffering from this either yesterday or today out of the blue, or whether my account is the only one. Either way, its very annoying and i have tried everything to seeing my ping times to DDO server, to reinstalling the game.
Anyone with ideas, or perhaps a friendly DDO tech to look into this?