The line up is too darn good, even with the aspect that the picture could have been taken back before the spread the damage numbers around more. It is also a barb in combat, not using a ranged. Many shot I could be more agreeable to, but that.... Because that was my first thought also.
Loving the guard idea on Spisey, my dwarf ranger / rogue / barb. Working at the next cleansing item atm (16 runs to go) but able to wear 3 right now and switch between concordant opposition (yeah i know not a huge factor but my first shroud item), Air Guard, Earth Guard, Dust 2, Lightning Guard. 2 items have electric and acid right now along with leviks shield when turtling for the addition of sonic guard. So far the only bosses I haven't killed are the DQ and the Dragon. But such a great idea guys! Good work on those doing something similar. The great thing is that while our ideas are similar, there are so many options available that none of us will be replicating the same thing twice it would seem!
Balzuru, what are your thoughts on the dust II guard? How often do you find it goes off?
as much as the lightning II guard?
I lack the item so I can't form any higher numbers without exhaustive searching (I only pulled this one out because I remembered the thorn guard going off in here from long ago).Originally Posted by Turial
Regardless, the big bad pit fiend's DR 15 won't stop 1d8 thorn damage. Beware of the prickly stuff!
Server - Thelanis
Honestly I see it go off about 50% more. This could be the luck of the roll but I have had dust 2 for about 2 months now and seems more like 2-4% as opposed to lightning's 1-3% The outcome is the same. About 150 points less damage without a save. I actually like it more that lightning 2 but that is more because of the frequency. I will do some more tests in Kobold Assault and let you know my findings.
Very nice, thank you. I look forward to the data. Esp as I've been doing a lighting II vs Dust II argument msyelf.
I went with a lot of the guarantied every hit guards myself and the IIs for fun.
Oozeguard seems to go off at about a 30% chance, but the ooze itself seems to be down in the 1-3% range. However... those oozes are the best "summon monster" I've used in the game to date.
Radiance II hits left often, but the 4d6 and blindess is very nice. I see it fairly frequently, let alone on some undead it may kill outright as it is a burst. I'll have to run around shadows and vamps out in necro to be certain though.
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