Hey just looking for a good guild out there with people on at most times of the day and night. any suggestions? Been playing for about a month so im still pretty nO.Obish.
Hey just looking for a good guild out there with people on at most times of the day and night. any suggestions? Been playing for about a month so im still pretty nO.Obish.
hit up dragonmark alliance.....or send azaria an in game tell!
The Freelance Mercenaries are always looking for fun loving folks. Look up Sunfeather or any Freelance mercenary on the "Who" tab. They can get you in touch wit han officer online.
You are more than welcome to visit us at Lifetakers and Heartbreakers and see if we have what you are looking for. We have approximately 60 active members with 15-25 on most given nights (and less in the day times...varies from 3-15 depending on the weather ). We'd love to run with you and see if we have what you are looking for and also ensure you meet the guild principles (basically if you are anchored in teamwork and reality and in this for fun, you will.). If you're interested, we'd then welcome you!
Visit our website (http://lhguild.org ) or shoot me a PM and we can run sometime...
Good luck!
Founder, The Circle of Night (Now on Orien!): Daerius (FvS), Khrandok (Alch/Arti), Branwynn (Brd), Vharcan (War), Alluriaan (Rog), et. al.