Have arrows, bones to trade. I give 2 or 3 of those for a shrapnel. Or maybe some +6 stat
Only 1 bone left. So trade close, until refill
Have arrows, bones to trade. I give 2 or 3 of those for a shrapnel. Or maybe some +6 stat
Only 1 bone left. So trade close, until refill
Last edited by Angismal; 09-17-2008 at 03:55 AM. Reason: Traded all the arrows, and some of the bones
Why i can't beat my girlfriend diplo/bluff/intimidate/sense motive?
pm sent
The Chinese PlatFarmer of A.O.K.
Trade close until refill, i run out of arrows, only one bone left
Why i can't beat my girlfriend diplo/bluff/intimidate/sense motive?