I'm really sick of seeing bad shields drop inthe loot tables. In your attempt to expand the shield table, you really screwed it up evenmore....
The things you added are nice... Potency/Devotion, False Life, Resistance, SR, etc etc etc...
Unfortuantly, they are Mixing and matching so much, getting a decent shield is near immpossible out of the table.....
+1 Superior Devotion III of SR 13? ML 14? Ugh...
I have yet to even see a +5 Superior Devotion 6 Shield Or a +5 Greater False Life Shields..... THESE are ML12+ Shields.... Maybe even a Nice +3 or 4 Guard of Greater False life would be nice..... Or +5 of SR(20) or Resistance +4
Scale Back the chance for multiple effects on shields.... we'd much rather see High + Single Effect sheilds.