Overall Results
Guild Life Guild Survey.
Number of Respondents: 79
Players: 26 (33%)
Officers: 20 (25%)
Leaders:33 (42%)
Due to the limited nature of the study, relying on forum response, leaving it up to the person themselves to decide if they would respond or not, we cannot say any of the findings of the study are 100% conclusive or typical of any one facet of life in a guild in Dungeons and Dragons On-line. What can be asserted is that these results are valid in providing general server and game attitudes towards the facets of life in a guild. As always, your results may vary…
Key Terms:
Player Consolation Ratio: This is the ratio of how many players place all their characters in one guild vs. spread them out. A Consolidation Ratio of 4:1 would mean for ever 4 players who place all their characters in one guild, you will find one who would prefer to spread out their characters across separate guilds.
Officer Number: The Number of Officers belonging to any one guild
Nesting: The process in which a player stops looking for a guild and finally settles into a guild that they like.
Results across All Servers
These results were arrived at by averaging or totalling responses across all servers to arrive at a “typical” baseline. Servers may, and generally do, have scores higher or lower then the baseline, but overall, across all servers, scores are as Follows;
The Typical Guild in DDO, irrespective of server where they reside, will have the following characteristics…
Guild “Average”
The typical guild in DDO will be comprised of 16-25 members. The average age of members to this guild will be 26-40 and be comprised of those from a professional background. (Almost to a ratio of 10:1). Of these guilds, they will have been in existence for 25 months and be lead by a leader who has succeeded one or more previous guild leaders (60% more likely) and current guild leaders have been running the guild for the last 17 months (60% of the total guild life span)
This leader will be spending about 7 hours a week running the guild outside the game and about 6 hours running the guild in game. The guild leader will be almost 50% more likely not to have run a guild before in any other MMO environment. He will have (on average) 9 officers appointed to help him creating an officer\member guild ratio of almost 2:1.
As for the members of the guild, before finally settling down in a guild that they like (i.e. nesting) they will have belonged to 2 other guilds before finding a guild they liked. Members of the guild play on average 22 hours a week. Of these guild members, they will be 6 times more likely to place all their characters into one guild rather then spread them out to other guilds as suits their needs.
These members can also expect to spend 78% of their entire time in DDO attached to one guild or another. Since the average respondent to this survey has indicated playing DDO for over 25 months on average, this translates to 19.5 months belonging to a guild throughout their time in Stormreach.
The respondents of the survey indicated the following are the best facets of life within a guild (Most Important -> Least Important)
1. New Friends \ Community
2. Quest Expertise
3. Raids
4. Availability of Loot
5. Web Site
6. Other
Guild Officer Responsibilities of this “average” guild are ranked in the following from most important to least important
1. Leading by Example
2. Upholding Guild Values
3. Mentoring
4. Respect of Peers
5. Supporting Guild Leader Initiatives
6. Raids
Officers, on average, Spend 2 hours outside of game assisting the Guild leader and 3 hours in game doing the same.
The Guild Leader of Guild “Average”, places the following importance on their responsibilities (From Greatest -> Least)
1. Leading By Example
2. Upholding Guild Values
3. Mentoring
4. Respect of Peers
5. Supporting Guild Leader Initiatives
6. Raids
It is interesting to note, that while the responsibilities of Leaders\Officers ranked the same, Guild leaders, overall, Scored “Leading by example” more highly than the officers and “Respect of peers” consistently lower than officer responses. With Both officer and leaders scoring “Upholding guild values” the same.
How Long Have you been playing DDO? (In Months) 25.49
What Server do you play on?
Sarlona 16
Thelanis 17
Khyber 17
Argonnessen 14
Ghallanda 15
Since Joining DDO, How many guilds have you belonged to for your main character? 2.11
On Average, how many hours (per week) do you play DDO? 22.72
What is the Longest you have belonged to any one guild? 1573 19.91
DO you join all your characters to 1 guild? Or spread them about as suits your needs?
Same Guild 62
Spread Out 17
If you do not belong to a guild, how long have you been “un-guilded” 12.00
Best Benefits of belonging to a guild. Please rate the following in order of importance.
New Friends\Community 8.47
Quest Expertise 7.41
Availability of Loot 5.97
Web Site 5.67
Raids 6.65
Other: Specify 4.91
What is your Age?
0-18 3
19-25 8
26-40 56
41-60 12
60+ 0
What is your Profession?
Professional 50
Blue Collar 8
Self Employed 7
Military 7
Student 7
Current Membership of the Guild
0-5 2
6 to 15 9
16-25 30
26-50 21
50+ 15
How Many Officers 9.23
Does you guild have any alliances with any other guilds? 1.05
Is an Officer 20
]Is a Guild Leader 33
Repondant Player 26
Officer Response
How long have you been an officer in your present Guild? 18.35
Have you been an officer before in any other MMO Game?
How long were you a member of the guild (In Weeks) before you became an officer?11.05
How many hours per week do you give to officer tasks outside the game? i.e Visiting Guild Web site, Discussing Policy, etc 2.60
How many hours per week do you give in game performing your officer duties? 2.65
Please list the following list from most important to least important
Leading by example 8.25
Upholding Guild Values 7.50
Mentoring 6.85
Supporting Guild Leader Initiatives 5.80
Raids 4.70
Respect of Peers 6.25
Other: (Specify) 3.00
Guild Leader Responses
How long have you been The Leader for your Guild? 17.64
Did you succeed your last leader or are you the original Leader?
How long has your guild been in existence? (In Months) 25.22
Have you been a leader before in any other MMO Game?
How many hours per week do you give in game to the running of your guild? 5.97
How many hours per week do you give to Guild Leader tasks outside the game? i.e. Visiting Guild Web site, Discussing Policy, event planning, etc6 7.15
Please list the following list from most important to least important as a guild leader
Leading by example 8.30
Upholding Guild Values 7.27
Mentoring 6.61
Supporting Guild Leader Initiatives 4.97
Raids 4.91
Respect of Peers 6.27
Other: (Specify) 3.67