Rapiers accepted, of course
I have these 2 khopeshes to swap:
+2 Khopesh of Smiting
+2 Crippling Khopesh of Smiting
Will trade them both for a smiting rapier or for equivalent shortswords, no daggers/picks please.
Rapiers accepted, of course
I have these 2 khopeshes to swap:
+2 Khopesh of Smiting
+2 Crippling Khopesh of Smiting
Will trade them both for a smiting rapier or for equivalent shortswords, no daggers/picks please.
Got 1, but still need 1. Both of these khopeshes are still available. Looking to trade both for a rapier or 1 for an equivalent shortsword.
Can also offer Large ingredients, including a scale. Large Scale for a Smiting Rapier sound about right? I'm flexible, let me know!