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  1. #1
    Community Member nbhs275's Avatar
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    Default Loot Rant

    Can you PLEASE just make the god forsaken 20th run end reward list a COMPLETE list? Im at over 240 reaver completions between 6 characters...AND i still havent been offered a single tome, nevermind any tome i would actually need or want. Which is rather strange "random" odds when i consider that every list has included the madstones, a tenderizer, a dreamspitter, and a cloudburst.

    Right now it seems like your giving us a "random 50% chance" that is actually 95% one list of **** that your most likely going to have all of considering you've now run the stupid raid 20/40/60/80 times, with a 5% chance of one or two tomes being slid in.
    Aundair, New Khyber
    Alreck Gingerbarrel(15clr/1barb), Torrak Gingerbarrel(16 Brd), Oat(13 Rgr/3Ftr), Moxxy(16 Sor), Thorrac Gingerbarrel(6 Pal/1 Ftr) <<Current Toons>>

  2. #2
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    Default Full list for 20th Completions!

    Agreed - fix it!

  3. #3
    Community Member Torosar's Avatar
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    Well, how often do bound tomes get looted from the chest comparatively to named loot items? Not very often right? So it would seem there is some sort of seperate scale for getting tomes.. and really, it makes sense for it to be upheld in a 20th run reward list. Even though it's fairly frustrating, and has unfortunately irked some players i know (along with other things) to leave the game. Admittedly, the chances of getting a tome on the reaver list do seem sort of low (maybe because it's so easy - who knows).. but i don't think a complete loot list is the solution.

  4. #4
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    I agree it's frustrating. But the problem is that if we KNEW we'd get a complete loot list we'd just keep grinding until every capped character on the server had +3 in every stat, further widening gap between the regular and casual gamers, making it even harder to balance content.

    So, while I understand your frustrations:

    /not signed
    aka Amabel, Milvus, Metella, Gracchus, Pyroclastik, Anil, Cryogenic, Arabell, Sallust, Initium, Concentric, Llebara, Gingerspyce, Putana, Erestem
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  5. #5
    Community Member Torilin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alistair View Post
    I agree it's frustrating. But the problem is that if we KNEW we'd get a complete loot list we'd just keep grinding until every capped character on the server had +3 in every stat, further widening gap between the regular and casual gamers, making it even harder to balance content.

    So, while I understand your frustrations:

    /not signed
    Ha funny I believe doing a raid 240 times is grinding what the OP is talking about is the fact that he has to keep doing the same old boring content over and over again only to be saddened and not rewarded when he has acomplished something like 240 reaver raids.
    Officer of Maelstrom - Thelanis
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  6. #6
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Torilin View Post
    Ha funny I believe doing a raid 240 times is grinding what the OP is talking about is the fact that he has to keep doing the same old boring content over and over again only to be saddened and not rewarded when he has acomplished something like 240 reaver raids.
    Seabiscuit is taking a beating!!!

    Torilin I see it like this..... Not a single DDO player has a Right to a +3 Tome, (or W/P Rapier for that matter )....plain and simple...

    Therefore it makes no sense to expect getting one when it´s an actual random loot drop....whereas the named loot drops as a DIRECT result of that Quest/Raid environment....(You´ll never get Madstone Boots out of the Titan...right?)

    I´d suggest the complete list be available at the 20/40/60 if that´s gonna make the "**** luck non Guild assisted" players stop whining.

    And regarding the Grind....spare me...Reaver is nothing more than a 3 man Loot Run, that requires 12 to have a decent chance of anything dropping.....not a grind when you have to a) heal a Tank, or b) Tank Giant or c) Cast DiscoBalls and an occasional FOD. oh and all this takes 12-15 Min....
    Last edited by Dexxaan; 09-16-2008 at 04:45 PM.
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  7. #7
    Hero QuantumFX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by alistair View Post
    I agree it's frustrating. But the problem is that if we KNEW we'd get a complete loot list we'd just keep grinding until every capped character on the server had +3 in every stat, further widening gap between the regular and casual gamers, making it even harder to balance content.

    So, while I understand your frustrations:

    /not signed
    You realize that there are 4 completable, non reflag required, quests that can drop +3 tomes right? This would mean even the most casual player would be assured 4 +3 tomes between modules if this were implemented.
    Things worthy of Standing Stone going EXTREME PREJUDICE™ on.:
    • Epic and Legendary Mysterious ring upgrades, please.
    • Change the stack size of filigree in the shared bank to 50. The 5 stack makes the shared bank worthless for storing filigree in a human usable manner.
    • Fixing why I don't connect to the chat server for 5 minutes when I log into a game world.
    • Fixing the wonky Lightning Sphere and Tactical Det firing by converting them to use alchemist spell arcing.
    • Redoing the drop rates of tomes in generic and raid loot tables.

  8. #8
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by QuantumFX View Post
    You realize that there are 4 completable, non reflag required, quests that can drop +3 tomes right? This would mean even the most casual player would be assured 4 +3 tomes between modules if this were implemented.
    heh, you have a strange definition of the word casual...

    I am a borderline power-gamer (5 capped characters, all have raid loot, Shroud items, etc. - I average at least 20 hours a week of playing... I've been playing since May 2006)

    All five of my capped characters have done the Reaver 20 times, one has done it 40 times.
    Three of my characters have completed the Shroud 20 times (one guy got 4 +3 tomes, one got 1 +3 tome, one got zero +3 tomes)

    NONE of my characters have done any of the other raids 20 times...

    I have 15 titan completions on one guy (hoping for the chattering ring at 20)
    14 and 15 DQ completions on two guys.

    All other raids have been done 1-3 times by each character.
    Last edited by Thrudh; 09-16-2008 at 05:05 PM.

  9. #9
    Community Member ThrasherGT's Avatar
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    Sorry about Your bad luck, But I have to disagree. I could, however, see doing the full list (including all tomes) as a reward for completing 100 Reaver runs. Sure, it's a huge number, but anything less is too much of an "easy button" for raid loot. I would set the number for each raid individually, but I would make the number very high for the full list reward..........................
    Mmmmmmmmm.......Doughnuts! - Homer Simpson

  10. #10
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    Would like to see a complete list at 20 and only 20. Then have it go back to the .0045(or w/e)&#37; chance at 40...60 etc... would be nice.

    ...or like someone proposed in another thread, allow us to trade a bound tome in for another of a type we can actually use. Makes sense considering its supposed to be a reward... implying it should actually be something we might want.

  11. #11
    Founder MageLL's Avatar
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    Somewhat off subject here, but seeing that you mentioned you've done reaver 240 times I thought of something.

    The idea of offering a 20th reward was pretty good of an idea from a development standpoint. Now that its been implemented for awhile the side-effect of statements like yours just sound horrible from a games standpoint.

    If I was looking at trying a game and saw that somebody ran a certain quest 240 times and still didn't get the item that is supposed to drop in there I'd probably pass on the game. The other thing it says to me is that there must not be alot of stuff to do if somebody has run the same quest that many times... for whatever reason.

  12. #12
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nbhs275 View Post
    Can you PLEASE just make the god forsaken 20th run end reward list a COMPLETE list? Im at over 240 reaver completions between 6 characters...AND i still havent been offered a single tome, nevermind any tome i would actually need or want. Which is rather strange "random" odds when i consider that every list has included the madstones, a tenderizer, a dreamspitter, and a cloudburst.

    Right now it seems like your giving us a "random 50% chance" that is actually 95% one list of **** that your most likely going to have all of considering you've now run the stupid raid 20/40/60/80 times, with a 5% chance of one or two tomes being slid in.
    I'd rather they make the 1st a complete list to improve the NEW PLAYER EXPERIENCE. Many people will NEVER get to 240 reaver completions in their lifetime. Many will never hit 20. Lets give something nice to new players and casual players that will also be equally nice/helpful to grinders.

    Or are you saying every 20th completion should be a complete list? If so, I'd say no to that... that just gives a nice little overpowering option to the grinders that will further upset game balance.

  13. #13
    Community Member Dexxaan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    I'd rather they make the 1st a complete list to improve the NEW PLAYER EXPERIENCE. Many people will NEVER get to 240 reaver completions in their lifetime. Many will never hit 20. Lets give something nice to new players and casual players that will also be equally nice/helpful to grinders.

    Or are you saying every 20th completion should be a complete list? If so, I'd say no to that... that just gives a nice little overpowering option to the grinders that will further upset game balance.

    Can we define if Complete List is Named Items or are +3 Tomes being considered "List Items" ?

    Major difference here depending on he definition.
    "Multi-Classing: If you don't know what you are doing...please don't do it."
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  14. #14
    Community Member Riddikulus's Avatar
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    IMO they should make all named items available every 20 runs... but not tomes. Those should remain as a special drop. That said I think it is silly that the better tomes only drop in raids... they should drop from any level appropriate quest. Them you wont have people grinding hundreds of reaver runs... that is just beyond bad for the game.
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  15. #15
    Community Member Lorien_the_First_One's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dexxaan View Post
    Can we define if Complete List is Named Items or are +3 Tomes being considered "List Items" ?

    Major difference here depending on he definition.
    They mean including the +3s, that seems to be what most grinders grind for.

  16. #16
    Community Member Dirac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorien the First One View Post
    I'd rather they make the 1st a complete list to improve the NEW PLAYER EXPERIENCE. Many people will NEVER get to 240 reaver completions in their lifetime. Many will never hit 20. Lets give something nice to new players and casual players that will also be equally nice/helpful to grinders.

    Or are you saying every 20th completion should be a complete list? If so, I'd say no to that... that just gives a nice little overpowering option to the grinders that will further upset game balance.
    This is/was a spectacular idea. I, MT and others supported it strongly when the raid loot changes were being made. If they are going to change anything now, which I kinda doubt, they should make this change.

  17. #17
    Community Member Soul-Shaker's Avatar
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    I just finished a 20th titan today and guess what reward list I get. No gloves, ring, robe, boots OR BELT. Next best item is a +2 int tome, though I have eaten one already.... Thats my luck neway with any looting.

    I dont like the idea of a complete list and I dont like the idea of a complete list on a specific number of runs because they wont make it retroactive, which means those that have past it wont get the benefit. Instead I would like say garantee 1 tome of highest Level and maybe 2 more items added to the list every 20th run. So lets say one mission 20th list is 11, so 40th is 13, 60th 15, and on till list comes full. And I would like to see a Minimum Raid loot drop per run re-instated. I hate running titan 9-12 man where no matter what difficultly, the average raid loot is closer to .25 pieces of raid loot per run. Maybe I should put in a ticket though since most people that I know pull great when its not with me in group.
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  18. #18
    Founder Lehrman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Soul-Shaker View Post
    I just finished a 20th titan today and guess what reward list I get. No gloves, ring, robe, boots OR BELT. Next best item is a +2 int tome, though I have eaten one already.... Thats my luck neway with any looting.

    I dont like the idea of a complete list and I dont like the idea of a complete list on a specific number of runs because they wont make it retroactive, which means those that have past it wont get the benefit. Instead I would like say garantee 1 tome of highest Level and maybe 2 more items added to the list every 20th run. So lets say one mission 20th list is 11, so 40th is 13, 60th 15, and on till list comes full. And I would like to see a Minimum Raid loot drop per run re-instated. I hate running titan 9-12 man where no matter what difficultly, the average raid loot is closer to .25 pieces of raid loot per run. Maybe I should put in a ticket though since most people that I know pull great when its not with me in group.
    I pulled my chattering when u were there...granted we did it 16 times before that happened...

    For 20th runs, I started setting my loot table to class specific and since then my 20ths have had a tome each time, but thats only 2/2 and not from reaver since I dont run reaver any more. Its too fricking repetative. The sad thing is that I still need some reaver gear on my bard, but I hate the quest too much to enter. Anyway, test out the loot based on class next time you hit a 20. If it works, then great, if not, then maybe u will at least remove some of the unwanted arcane, melee, or cleric junk from the list.

  19. #19
    Founder Raiderone's Avatar
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    Default they should do away with the +3 tome entirely...

    Get rid of it I say. No +3 tome at all. Unbalances the game period.
    All tomes unbalance the game. All enhancement bonus stats unbalance the game.
    Get rid of them too. Just leave the +1 tome and the one time +2 tome for favor.

    Epic feats for stats are okay. No higher than +6 stat for any item too (crafted
    or not).

    DDO is unbalancing the game to the point that it's no longer D&D, but a variation
    of other high stat games.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by nbhs275 View Post
    Can you PLEASE just make the god forsaken 20th run end reward list a COMPLETE list? Im at over 240 reaver completions between 6 characters...AND i still havent been offered a single tome, nevermind any tome i would actually need or want. Which is rather strange "random" odds when i consider that every list has included the madstones, a tenderizer, a dreamspitter, and a cloudburst.

    Right now it seems like your giving us a "random 50% chance" that is actually 95% one list of **** that your most likely going to have all of considering you've now run the stupid raid 20/40/60/80 times, with a 5% chance of one or two tomes being slid in.
    Call me a crazy cracker, but even in PnP tomes are considered rare items, so they shouldnt be any different in DDO. Hasnt the "i want my +3 tome" thread been done to death already. Give it a break already, is the +1 to your stat going to be THAT GAME BREAKING? I gotta say if your toon is that geared that it makes that huge a difference, i would seriously look at the build. Tomes are nice things to get, but if they were dropping like hotcakes then ppl would find something else to ***** about, ie, lack of content, thats the usual one that follows tome droppage.

    Sooner or later you will get one.

    Dunno about anyone else but im up to my ears in threads about tomes not dropping, almost as if it was an expectation. Take away the carrot/cheese and the rabbit/mouse dont dance no more

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