There were 2 Kensei prestige classes in PnP in 3rd edition - one was in the Complete Warrior handbook (Kensai), and the other was in the 3rd ed. version of Oriental Adventures (Kensei). Slightly different spelling on each, and a slightly different take on each as well.
Hence why there's a bit of uncertainty with everyone. Nobody knows for sure which one will be implemented, or even if it will be a unique hybrid of the 2 versions. We also don't know if the prereqs will be modified, or what level they will be implemented, and so on.
Anyways, back to the OP.
Some of those other builds out there with monk, ranger, paladin, rogue, etc. splashes have some very nice benefits, such as boosting your AC, saves, TWF damage, or grant things like immunity to certain things, or even grant you Evasion (half-dmg on a failed save instead of full damage, and no dmg on a passed save instead of half damage). The drawback to those builds, of course, is that they're often very limited on feats and have a very specific role / build.
The good thing about going straight Fighter is that you'll have versatility. You'll have enough feats floating around to go Sword/Board *and* another combat style (TWF or THF) if you like. Or stick with one style, and become very proficient with several different weapons. It's all up to you, and what *you* want from your tank.
If you end up sticking with sword & board, I'd have to suggest going *axe* and board
As a Dwarf, you can get some amazing enhancements (both Fighter *and* Dwarven enhancements to raise the max dex on the armor, not to mention the shield enhancements, etc.) to help you out, have access to a number of nice weapons, and possibly pre-qualify for the upcoming (Dwarven) Defender (prereqs still unsure at this point), which could be one heck of a tank.
Just my 2cp.