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Thread: spamers

  1. #1
    Community Member underlordone's Avatar
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    Default spamers

    I have just made a new alt. With 20 mins I have gotten 4 spams it is rather bother some since I didnt even see any one out side the tavern or in side. You guys realy need to stop them with these tells.

    We have asked you to put restrictions on temp accounts and so forth. Here is my idea on how to stop this. I would like any one who reads this to say do it in order to show suport to putting a end to the famers.

    1 temp accounts can only have 2 alts till it is made to full account.

    2 temp accounts cant send tells

    3 temp full accounts deleted alts must wait one hour for them to be fully deleted in order to help in getting that user

    4 this one should help with getting some tv adds-- place in coc a fine that would charge to there temp account card for spaming and harasing the players of the sever thus hoping putting a end to this
    If you can shoot them down before they get to you a bonus if you can take them half down and then meele them out bonus if you can shoot and run around like your head is cut off dispel fom grease sleet storm stop running so I can kill it!!!!!!

  2. #2
    Bwest Fwiends Memnir's Avatar
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    Instead of limit the number of tells a Trial Account can send, I'd rather have a clickie box in the UI panel along the lines of Do Not Allow Trial Account Tells. It could be right under the clickie box allowing your acceptance of trades and party requests. It would be ideal if sending a tell from a trial account to someone who clicked not to receive them would also trigger a pop-up box on the sender's screen letting them know their tell was not accepted - and an OK box to proceeded. This would slow the farmer down.

    This is because I agree that there are as many, if not more, legit people out there on trial accounts - and limiting their actions would be unfair based on the actions of the plat farmers. However, it would give people really annoyed by Plat Farmers some much needed relief.
    Exit, pursued by a bear. ~ William Shakespeare (stage direction from The Winter's Tale)


  3. #3
    Community Member Thundr's Avatar
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    Actually not letting trial accounts send tells is a good thing. Kinda like how WoW does it, you can only send a tell if someone sends you one to start with. Would kill spammers quickly.
    Remember this: What doesn't kill you is what builds your throne (Citizen Soldier - Hallelujah I'm Not Dead)

  4. #4
    Community Member Ghanlar's Avatar
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    Default Great idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thundr View Post
    Actually not letting trial accounts send tells is a good thing. Kinda like how WoW does it, you can only send a tell if someone sends you one to start with. Would kill spammers quickly.
    This is perfect. Trial accounts should be allowed to be added to friends lists and what-not, so if you see a friend on you can send a tell, but the limitation of not sending except as a reply is great. This would kill plat farmers immediately.

    They would find a new way arond whatever, but this would be a fantastic start. The only times the extra checks need to happen is in the trial account executable, so the development overhead is minimal on this. This feature is much needed.

    On average, when I run for around 4 hours, I get no less than 30 spam messages.

    Gruk - 16th Fighter - King's Blood - Argonnessen

  5. #5
    Community Member DasLurch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by underlordone View Post
    I have just made a new alt. With 20 mins I have gotten 4 spams it is rather bother some since I didnt even see any one out side the tavern or in side. You guys realy need to stop them with these tells.
    Wow they seem to be missing you. I tend to get one every 3- 4 minutes at their slowwest. I'll aggree that this is just rediculous though. I find it hard to believe that 1) any one would spend actual real money on stuff that they offer (never let it be said that someone inevitably will though or just feel the need to "prove how much better" they are than someone else), 2) that people would care that they are spending their money in such a fashion (who's to say how I choose to spend my money and my time after all), 3) that there isn't a better solution for this as of yet (I mean come on already, it is starting to feel like my privacy is being invaded it's so prevalent. It almost makes me wish that they would go back to sending me mails. Those didn't bother me at all. Just delete, confirm, and gone from my life), and 4) that they are making enough money to support anything. Have you seen what the dollar is worth? Canadians are now asking Americans how much that is in real money when they come here for a visit.
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  6. #6
    Community Member underlordone's Avatar
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    I like that only thing cometed on was the tells but that would indead put a end to it. I would like that if you view this post plz comet on this due to I whant to show of names stateing we whant this done and a end to these tells. So far 94 viewed and 4 posted. I know my spelling gramer is not the best in the world but devs plz put a stop to the farmers.
    If you can shoot them down before they get to you a bonus if you can take them half down and then meele them out bonus if you can shoot and run around like your head is cut off dispel fom grease sleet storm stop running so I can kill it!!!!!!

  7. #7


    There seems to be a new site out there, unless its just a redirect to one of the other sites, but they have been going crazy, with multiple tells from the same person, and then a similar name 2 or 3 minutes later
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  8. #8
    Community Member Yabba's Avatar
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    Restrict Trial Accounts to 5 initiated tells an hour. That way trial account users can still send legitimate tells if they need help.

  9. #9
    Founder Garth_of_Sarlona's Avatar
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    Default about a player editable regular expression filter on incoming tells?


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  10. #10
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    How about just making it to that "report gold spammer" blocks that person from sending you further tells for 24 hours?

    I've noticed lately on Khyber multiple tells from the same person within minutes... it seems to be a new trend and I'd like to think reporting them squelched them, at least temporarily.

    (I say temporary in case you accidentally squelch someone legitimate.)
    aka Amabel, Milvus, Metella, Gracchus, Pyroclastik, Anil, Cryogenic, Arabell, Sallust, Initium, Concentric, Llebara, Gingerspyce, Putana, Erestem
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  11. #11
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnir View Post
    Instead of limit the number of tells a Trial Account can send, I'd rather have a clickie box in the UI panel along the lines of Do Not Allow Trial Account Tells. It could be right under the clickie box allowing your acceptance of trades and party requests. It would be ideal if sending a tell from a trial account to someone who clicked not to receive them would also trigger a pop-up box on the sender's screen letting them know their tell was not accepted - and an OK box to proceeded. This would slow the farmer down.
    One of the best ideas i've read to solve the problem, that and a text filter. Only problem I see with this is, a new player trying to send you a tell for help, but you cant help them without knowing they want your help.

    I think restricting trial accounts to a certain amount of tells an hour or day is unfair to players trying the game. However I also like the suggestion to make it possible for a trial account to only send tells to a person who sent them a tell first.

    I hope the devs read these things.. Free ideas for improving their game
    Last edited by Riminy; 09-15-2008 at 07:09 AM.
    Riminy Rimmy Rimmyy Rimmee Rimmeee Riminee Rimineee
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  12. #12
    Community Member FoxOne's Avatar
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    Default really ****ing fed up with turbine's inaction

    this company is ran by a bunch of clowns.In shroud part 4,THE WHOLE GROUP GOT 9 MESSAGES IN A SPAN OF 1 MINUTE.As a coincidence,every time the spam gets aggressive - more than 3 per minute,the lag also appears to be at it's worse.So really it seems they have found a way to **** everything up.Good job really,we're ve only been asking for 6+ months and they're too busy blowing each other to give a ****.

    also i love how they hide the threads as soon as you say something real that they don't like.Another upfront and honest company.
    Last edited by FoxOne; 09-15-2008 at 10:11 AM.

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