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  1. #1
    Community Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default Repeater Question

    Folks, I would appreciate a little input on a build I am contemplating.

    The character is a CHA-based bard (spellsinger), but I'm not posting in the bard forum any more because all I get is rude and immature comments from those clowns. Besides, the level of knowledge about the game on that forum has really gone down the toilet lately, and I expect to get better info about repeaters from the fighter forum in any case.

    Anyway...the question is pretty simple. I will be taking extend, heighten, spell pen x 2, repeater proficiency, and I think I can squeeze in another feat to support ranged capability. I was considering rapid reload or quick draw, to swap between DPS and casting gear. End game the character will prolly end up using a lightning repeater, and I dont really see the need for IC. Maybe I'm wrong about that. Or if none of these feats make much difference, I may just end up taking enchantment focus. Is there another feat which is pretty good for adding DPS or utility for a character using only a repeater and offensive casting?

    It bears mentioning that the character will have basically no melee capability. I know that's rough, but all my other current bards can fight, so I want to try something different. Also, I have no super gear like w/p or even a banisher, so I wonder how much benefit I really would get from IC.

    I guess this whole question could be solved eventually by a few trips to Fred. But at this point, I'm trying to save some shards. So what do you guys think?

    Thanks in advance for any comments.
    Last edited by geezee; 09-13-2008 at 06:10 PM.

  2. #2
    Community Member Goldeneye's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Personally, I wouldn't go quick draw
    If you're shooting a lot of rounds - rapid reload makes a bit of a difference

    yeah, I got a guildy who took Heavy Repeater as a joke on his bard: he now has some uber damaging shroud crafted repeater - kinda funny.

    There are some other nice ranged feats... but off the top of my head I can't think of them - and they do have some annoying pre-requisites anyway.

    sorry I couldn't be more help.

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