Hello out there again,
After writing down a suggestion in another thread for someone, and that fact I’m bored at work. I thought I would plan this guy all the way out for those who may like the acrobat. So in trying to keep your options open at the high levels I will be taking 18 levels of rogue…since Pr enhancements are following the 6 / 12 / 18th level pattern mostly.
The build will not concentrate a whole lot on AC potential, but will try to mitigate damage by using subtle attacks and diplomancy tactics. It will also be a STR build, however dex will not be bad still.
The race of choice will be Halfling as it has a few nice bonuses to it as well as enhancements, I broke down some of the reasoning for this and monk in the thread below.
So, to get going it will breakdown as follows:
14 Rogue / 2 Monk
Str: 14 +4 levels / +6 item / +2 halfling to hit / +2 monk stance / +2 favor tome = 30 str to hit (28 for dam)
Int: 16 (get a +6 to switch out when using rogue skills)
Wis: 8 (as best you can)
Dex:16 +2 halfling / +3 Rogue / +6 item / +1 tome = 28
Con:14 (min +4 item)
Cha: 8 (only needed for UMD really, best you can afford)
Just going to touch on str and dex, you can customize the other abilities as you like with gear or tomes.
1st - Nimblefingers
3rd - Toughness
6th - SkillFocus: UMD
9th – Skillfocus: Search (Cleave maybe)
12th - ImprovedCrit: Bludgeoning
15th - SkillFocus: DD (Great Cleave maybe or Slicing blow to be different)
Monk – Toughness
Monk – Power Attack
Because your a ThF you could take the ThF line(I think they work with staff...remembering....aw well) or make things interesting and take Cleave and Greatcleave and work it in with diplomancy making the mobs not sure whether to attack you or leave you. This is also nice if you work with an intimidator as you will get sneak attack damage on all mobs you are behind when using cleave.
I just listed some feats to help your rogue abilities since your enhancements will go to damage and to hit mostly, as well as qualify for Acrobat.
The Enhancements for the build were rather point intensive, as Way of the Acrobat II takes 28 EP to qualify for in the first place. The rest will go into maximizing damage potential and to hit while flanking and SA.
These enhancements are taken for the concept of acrobat / halfling / monk (must have mostly)
Rogue Dex III (+3 Dex)
Rogue Haste II
Faster Sneak I
Tumble II
Balance II
Half Dex II (+2 dex)
Half Cunning II (+2 to hit while flanking)
Half Guile II (+4 to damage while SA / +2 Bluff)
Disciple / Candle I (+2 Str / -2 Wis)
Way of the F. Hound I (+1 listen / +2 hit while flanking)
Way / Acrobat II (+4 to Balance / Jump / Tumble / 4x useage to Uncanny dodge / Gtr. Staff speed attack / 10% increase movement rate / Expand Haste boost to greater effects / Complete Immunity to Knockdown & Slipps)
Points left over at this point are 18, I went this way:
Half Luck (Reflex) II (+2 reflex saves)
Rogue Sneak Att Acc. II (+2 to hit SA)
Rogue Sneak Att. Dam II (+6 damage to SA)
Subtle Strike III (30% less agro)
Rogue Boost I (+2 to skills)
Rogue Extra Action Boost I (extra use of Boost and haste per rest)
The above I thought would help sure up your reflex saves, damage / to hit with SA, less agro, alittle boost and some additional usage of boost and rogue haste. Now if you want even less agro you can dump one luck category and Boost / Action boost to get those 4 EP for Subtle IV. (Which might be the case if your doing to much damage still)
7 / 12 / 7 Base
4 / 9 / 1 Stats (going with +4 enhancements on con and wis)
1 / 1 / 1 Halfling
5 / 5 / 5 Resist (can get +1 more here with a ritual)
4 / 4 / 4 GH
2 / 2 / 2 Luck
0 / 2 / 0 Halfling Luck
23 / 35 / 20
+4 against traps = 39 reflex
Saves could get alittle higher...with certain gear or other auras..etc...
Not going to go into great detail on HP's, other to say they will sit around 250ish, give or take alittle.(with more if you chose a shroud HP item)
Again AC is going to be determined soley on what you want and can get in gear....but as I said before AC on this build is not the main way you are going to shed agro. (At the lower levels you might try to get a respectable AC, however in the higher content do not worry to much about it)
Skills: (Total skillpoints will be 182 )
With this many skillpoints you can max 9 skills with alittle left over. I'm not going to go into ever skill, but will breakdown a few.
Search - 19 base / 6 Int / 3 Feat / 2 Boost / 4 GH / 2 Luck / 2 Bard / 15 Item / 1 mastery = 54
DD - 19 base / 6 Int / 3 Feat / 2 Feat / 2 Boost / 4 GH / 2 Luck / 2 Bard / 15 Item / 7 tools / 1 mastery = 63
OL - 19 base / 9 Dex / 2 Feat / 2 Boost / 4 GH / 2 Luck / 2 Bard / 15 Item / 7 tools / 1 mastery = 63
UMD - 19 base / 2 Cha / 3 Feat / 1 mastery / 4 GH / 2 Luck / 2 boost / 3 item = 34 normal / 36 boost (and I know there are better items to get to raise this also)
**Now subtract 1 if you don’t take skillmastery and go with Improved Evasion instead. Also I included the use of a +6 INT item / +6 CHA item for calculations
Level progression will go:
1 Rogue / 2-3 monk / 4-16 rogue
The rogue level 10 and 13 special skills will be: Crippling Strike / Skillmastery (level 16 rogue - Skillmastery)
With good saves in the trap area...Improved evasion is a personal choice...so either take it at level 13 and dump skill mastery till level 16 or vice versa, but I would take atleast 1 mastery since you still want to keep you rogue skills up.
The future of the build going to 18 rogue / 2 monk...as this will still hopefully let you get Acrobat III.
The fighting style of this rogue will be to use ...(drumrole) the Quarterstaff to maximize benefits of the Acrobat class. You can however use two kamas for vorpaling and remain centered as a monk with no armor on. But your best damage will come from when you utilize your backstab damage with it all.(especially if you party with an intimidator class...or a stunning fist monk..etc....stick to there hip and let them take the hits while you work the damage in there.)