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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Please help me

    I want to make a character who can cast effective damage spells and fight. I'm pretty new so what class (classes?) or race would you reccommend? Also what stats should I give him?

  2. #2
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Have you looked at the sorcerers forums yet?

    you will find great builds there, along with feat, skill and spell selections.

    While I dont advise being like everyone else all the time, you can find something in there to get your feet wet and try it out, then create something with more of a personal touch to it.
    Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.

  3. #3
    Founder S1gma's Avatar
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    Default My simple 2 cp

    Well, there is a wide array of degree to what you are looking for, but my simple observations are:

    Cleric: Okay, not so much damage, but enough, and can add to the melee abilities if specced right. Look for a Battler cleric build in the cleric forum. Bonus: you can always find a group. (negative: that group will probably rely on you for nothin but heals).


    Warforged Sorcerer: Lots of SP, effective damage spells, self healing, and not as squishy as other-raced sorcs.

    I'm sure you'll get more detailed info in the forums of each specific class if you look.

  4. #4
    Community Member Karll's Avatar
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    Check the sorc area.. but I would suggest rollin up any toon.. fighter preferably... and getting your 400 favor to unlock the drow. Once you do that, roll up a sorc drow, spec'd for fire/cold. It's a pretty common build. You'll probably want to take enhancements that increase spell point (energy of the zealot I think) and also empower, maximize, highten, and extend. Try max out charisma whenever you get a chance, but play around with it.. rollin up an rerolling toons is half the fun (IMO)...

    hope this helps a little bit...
    Workers of the World, UNITE!!!!!!
    Some toons on Ghallanda, some on Khyber...

  5. #5
    Community Member
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    thanks a lot for the help!

    I have the character generation window open now so I'm thinking something like this, please let me know if I screwed up anywhere.

    race: Human
    class: want to multiclass paladin and sorc ( they'll work well?) also whiich one to start with?
    str 14
    dex 15
    con 8
    int 8
    wis 14
    cha 15

    I put high dex because I want to be able to dual wield at some point. I think it looks so cool when someones running around with 2 flaming swords and I want to do that.

    so what do you think so far?
    Last edited by Melamed; 09-12-2008 at 11:25 PM.

  6. #6
    Community Member captain1z's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Melamed View Post
    thanks a lot for the help!

    I have the character generation window open now so I'm thinking something like this, please let me know if I screwed up anywhere.

    race: Human
    class: want to multiclass paladin and sorc ( they'll work well?) also whiich one to start with?
    str 12
    dex 15
    con 13
    int 8
    wis 11
    cha 15

    I put high dex because I want to be able to dual wield at some point. I think it looks so cool when someones running around with 2 flaming swords and I want to do that.

    so what do you think so far?

    looks fine. A dex/weapon finesse pali/sorc specced for piercing damage so when you get wounders or puncturers you can melee effectively. your dps will be low but use spells to cover that up.

    spells you want:

    - haste
    - hero (maybe...pots and scrolls are available)
    - shield
    - firewall
    - hold monster

    12 sorc/ 2 pali/ 2 fighter might be a good mix

    UMD and Diplomacy is your friend

    Start off sorc for the spell point boost.
    Ever bleed out in a thornbush? Welcome to UD14.

  7. #7
    Community Member Karll's Avatar
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    well.. honestly.. not sure how well that will work..

    dual weilding is cool, but (IMO) only if you have a base dex of 17 (which you can attain with a +2 dex tome later on)... thats when you get greater two weapon fighting, which gives you more attacks per round...

    not sure how a sorc/pally would work, think Pally's need a high wisdom for full spell usage, while sorcs rely on charisma...

    It would be cool to mess around with and see how it works though...

    there is no harm in trying something a bit off kilter...
    Workers of the World, UNITE!!!!!!
    Some toons on Ghallanda, some on Khyber...

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