Quote Originally Posted by captain1z View Post
On normal I could see your arguement and might even agree. On hard, I would think twinking was the norm........... Its suppossed to be hard.

The beholders are the only things in VON 3 that make the quest difficult on any setting and I think thats only because we have little to no defense vs them.

Any defense we may put up is stripped and then 1 of 2 rays ends us: enervation or disintergrate.

Deathblock items dont work vs either and one has no save.

What works for me:

- stay out of line of sight
- casters drop firewall on beholes with limited space to move
- rangers strafe between cover points
- lead them into web and let the fighters hack em to bits
- warforged have less to worry about
- always hold someone back who can save you all in the event of a near wipe (rogue/cleric or sneaking guy)

they suck but brains will beat them before brawn does.
The straight on approach only works for the ubertwinks, and the AoE approach has never been a good one for beholders. Web does work nicely on all but elite, PK has always been the spell of choice (I hear they're afraid of thumbtacks) and I've seen several people handle them without drama at level. I've only seen that area go really poorly when someone zergs into the middle of 'em all and gets 'em all active at once, really.

Now, the big combat just before the three named is another matter...I've seen that go poorly with even a well equipped party, if the baddies get people split up and not concentrating damage properly...again, party tactics and communication generally rules the day.