Just curious if a reasonably medium-to-high AC fighter build is possible without going the DEX build with a Monk splash.
I realize a high DEX + WIS bonus is going to be numerically superior to wearing armor in most cases, but it just strikes me as odd (and horribly wrong) tanking a giant, fire-breathing dragon, wearing nothing but a cloth robe. I don't care if my AC is 200, I'd still feel... vulnerable.
So essentially I'd like to try to make a STR-build TWF Fighter (multiclassing if splashing is perfectly acceptable), while wearing heavy armor, and still have a reasonable AC.
Is this possible?
Dex to 19ish for the TWF feats shouldn't be too difficult these days, and with armor mastery enhancements you should be able to eek out a few extra AC points while wearing that adamantite fortified full plate of ugliness. Str is important for a reasonable dps (if I wanted to be "the" dps guy, I'd make a Barb or Ranger), as is some measure of surviving damage (either a high Con, HPs, or some other form of damage mitigation such as Warforged DR, perhaps, or Elven displacement dragonmarks).
So essentially it would be a happy medium between the uber AC / can't hit a thing builds, and the no AC - omgdidyouseethatcrit? builds. With heavy armor.
Any suggestions?