I think I've found all the basic info I needed.
But god it is so hard to actually get use out of these things.
My best successes so far have been in Delera's against skellie archers. Those are the only monsters so far that have enough HP and stay basically in one place long enough to let me beat on them awhile and pull off some finishing moves.
Very annoying how it disappears when doing anything whatsoever. Or when you try to use it and don't have enough Ki.
I think it disappears if your Ki drops to low also, but that one's a little weird, because you can get the moves without having enough Ki to use them (and lose the move if you try to use it but dont have enough Ki).
Seems the Dark Side powers are much better IMO.
I have trouble making use of mass buffs/heals since the party is always spread all over the place.
But I do now know a lot more and I'm having fun trying to figure out how best to use them.
Still would like any tactical advice anyone has.