Hey... I'm looking for just 2 more large scales to finish my Radiance II rapier. I only play mornings, which means catching shroud runs can be tricky... so I'm gonna try to trade for them, despite not sitting on piles of named and ultra-awesome loot.
*edit*: Due to a snafu in game wherein my 4 Lg. Devil Scales were EATEN BY THE POST! (I'm pretty aggrieved about it!) I am apparently now looking for 6 scales (and probably will be for the rest of time). I changed the pricing, since I'm now looking for more than 2 scales. And, I've added a few items to the list. *edit over*
*edit 2*: Lowered prices.
I have a few things for trade:
Top shelf
+2 INT tome TRADED
Middle shelf
+2 Banishing Handwraps (of deception, I think)
+1 Banishing Darkwood Greatclub
+3 Transmuting Maul of Maiming
+1 Lt. Mace of Disruption (finessable!!!)
+1 Axiomatic Burst Dagger of Greater Giant Bane
+1 Wounding of Enfeebling Longsword
+3 Transmuting Heavy Mace of Pure Good
+5 Transmuting Warhammer of Maiming
+1 Impact Throwing Hammer of Disruption
+2 Bodyfeeder Khopesh of Enfeebling
+3 Superior Potency VI Club
+4 Wounding Returning Throwing Axe
+4 Ghost Touch Lt Mace of Pure Good
+5 Crippling Dwarven Axe of Maiming
+3 Spell Penetration VII Scepter
+2 Lt Crossbow of Greater Construct Bane
Proof Against Poison Ring of Greater False Life TRADED
+15 Search Goggles (no RR)
As mentioned above, I only play mornings so the trade will have to be conducted via post. Details to be ironed out by PM, if necessary. If this is valuation is completely off the mark, I hope someone will point out my error.