+2 Wounding Heavy Crossbow Punchering - Make offer
+1 Weakening Light Mace Enfeebling - Make offer
Looking to Sell quickly.
I make more this way then letting the auction house take 1/3.
+2 Wounding Heavy Crossbow Punchering - Make offer
+1 Weakening Light Mace Enfeebling - Make offer
Looking to Sell quickly.
I make more this way then letting the auction house take 1/3.
Last edited by Ganidel; 09-11-2008 at 07:38 PM.
Garrum, Spellcom, Xhak, Gand, Yodel
Reaver's Refuge Crafting.
5k plat for the heavy xbow and a superior potency 3 help of everbright for the mace..