
I'm Necroshade Xen'Umbra. This is the follow-on post to 19037's post about Kids 12 and Under. I'm pleased to announce that I am starting a guild for kids. All kids not looking for power games, not looking for a boss come and play with a kid who's just looking for other nice kids to play with. You are required to be a kid. I'm shooting for 12 and under, but will take up to 14. I don't care if you play well? I don't care if you need help? I just want other nice kids to play with. 19037 is my dad and will be watching the guild for our safety, but the guild is ours to make great. We have the support of guilds like the Umber Hulks and their friends.

Come play with us. Our guild is "The Muppet Show" (my dad thought that would be really funny, but I like it)
