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Thread: Most DPS?

  1. #1
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    Default Most DPS?

    Alright, done a ton of number crunching today, and have come down to a few options and numbers of the most damage per SWING of a barbarian. I'd like to know how to change this into DPS, as I do not know the attack speed numbers for THF or TWF off the top of my head. Anyone care to help?

    All the stats given are with self buffs only, everything has been accounted for (INCLUDING ALL OF THE ELEMENTAL DAMAGE ON THE GREEN STEEL WEAPONS), EXCEPT for the bard's damage song, a scourge choker, Litany of the Dead bonus, and elemental blast's natural 20 damage. It is too inconsistent to add in, plus I really can't figure out how, but I don't see it making THAT much of a differance. I'd assume if it came down to a very slim margin between Deathnips and Greensteel Weapons, with Deathnips in the lead, I'd give the win to Green Steels. There really is NO way to up these numbers, other than to multi-class (gimp your build for the future), or the fact that I have been away from the game for some time. I really do believe this is EVERYTHING in terms of damage though, minus those listed above.

    NEW! AND NOW, I have come up with a formula for the most accurate damage per second, I believe. It can calculate Minimum DPS (damage for one second, assuming you roll all the lowest die combinations), Average DPS (what you'd be doing with normal die rolls), and Maximum DPS (damage for one second, assuming you've max'd all your die).

    For example, here's how Average DPS can be calculated:

    The damage for a THF Barbarian with a +5 GS Mineral II Greataxe is between 67-97 for a regular hit, and 203-325 for a critical hit. Averaging both of these, I would get 82, and 264.

    Now, for a greataxe, you critically hit on a 17-20, which is 4 dice rolls out of 19 (not twenty, as a 1 is a miss, and I don't know how I could calculate in misses, but whatever). So, the other 15 times you hit, are regular hits. Therefore, 82 multipled by 0.79 (the chance you'd hit for a non-crit), and 264 is multipled by 0.21 (the chance you'd hit for a crit). With that, you'd end up with 64.78 and 55.44 adding these two together, (the times you'd hit non-critically and times you'd hit critically, [0.79 + 0.21 = 1.00 or 100%]), you get 120.22. Now, you multiply this number, by the amount of times you swing per second. For a Greataxe, and a skilled user canceling their chain, you get about 120 attacks per minute. Divided by 60, the number of seconds in a minute, you have 2 attacks per second.

    So, 120.22 multipled by 2 would give 240.44 damage per second, assuming you average your dice rolls. I really don't know how I could more perfect this formula, if anyone else knows anything please let me know. But when I have the time, I will get to adding in all the numbers. Doing it on paper, the Rogue TWF Radiance II Rapiers out damages (in all areas, minimum, average and maximum DPS) that same Rogue TWF Radiance II Khopeshes, which out damages everything else in the game.

    Assuming a 49 STR Barb, with Tharnes Goggles, Bloodstone, and highest Power Attack enhancement. For a 50 STR Barb, add +2 damage to regular hit numbers, +6 for the critical hits for everything but the Deathnips, and +8 for the Deathnips.

    +18 Base
    +4 Stat Increase
    +6 Item
    +3 Tome
    +10 Rage
    +2 Rage Potion
    +4 Madstone
    +2 Alchemical

    I would have included the SC, but it's not something you use all the time or that is really dependable.

    Also note, you may see that regular hit X critical multiplier DOES NOT equal the lowest critical hit damage number. Remember, the lowest of each hit accounts for elemental damage (rolling 1's on all of your elemental damage).

    16 Barbarian THF Green Steel Mineral II Greataxe:

    Starting to-hit: +41
    Regular hit: 67-97
    Critical hit: 203-325

    DPS=??? (Do not have swings/minute to calculate this yet)

    16 Barbarian TWF Deathnips:

    Starting to-hit: +36
    Regular hit: 41-48
    Critical hit: 176-219

    DPS=??? (Do not have swings/minute to calculate this yet)

    16 Barbarian TWF Green Steel Mineral II Khopeshes:

    Starting to-hit: +36
    Regular hit: 45-69
    Critical hit: 136-241

    DPS=??? (Do not have swings/minute to calculate this yet)

    16 Barbarian THF Sword of Shadows:

    Starting to hit: +40
    Regular hit: 61-71
    Critical hit: 183-213

    DPS=??? (Do not have swings/minute to calculate this yet)

    It would seem either the THF Barb would win, but again, dual-wielding really has taken over, so as soon as I am able to find out the swings per minute of these, I can calculate which one wins. I'm assuming its going to be Khopeshes, Deathnips, then both THF, but I am not sure.

    In comparison, here is my level 16 Rogues damage numbers in comparison. Again, I do not know DPS since I don't know weapon speeds, but I do have damage per swing, assuming sneak attack (which is almost 100% of the time due to Radiance II Khopeshes).

    16 Rogue TWF Green Steel Radiance II Khopeshes

    Starting to hit: +37
    Regular hit: 66-140
    Critical hit: 147-320

    DPS=??? (Do not have swings/minute to calculate this yet)

    16 Rogue TWF Green Steel Radiance II Rapiers

    Starting to hit: +37
    Regular hit: 66-138
    Critical hit: 123-283

    DPS=??? (Do not have swings/minute to calculate this yet)

    So there you have it, help me fill in these numbers for DPS and I will be satisfied. I'd put my Khopesh TWF Salamander up, but I feel like that'd be kind of embarrassing in comparison, so I'll just leave it as it is for now...
    Last edited by Mastodon; 09-25-2008 at 08:35 PM.
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  2. #2
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    Added Sword of Shadows calculation.
    Last edited by Mastodon; 09-09-2008 at 05:06 PM.
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  3. #3
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    Barbarian rage maxes out at +10, not +12 (+6 Greater Rage, +4 from enhancements)

    Sorry I can't help on swing speed....

  4. #4
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    Opps, well, assume another way to get 50 STR while I recalculate, rofl.
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  5. #5
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    twf = 170 attacks per minute
    thf (greataxe/maul) ~ 90-135 attacks per minute (135 being a perfect minute of resetting ur attack chain to skip the last two swings)

    personally I would use 120 as ur THF number, unless you're really good at resetting the chain, or really bad at trying to, then use 90 or 135 respectively
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  6. #6
    Community Member Cold_Stele's Avatar
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    I'll dig out the numbers (I have them somewhere I'm sure).

    In the mean time I'm going to put money on -

    1. Radiance II TWF Rogue (but it's situational).
    2. TWF Mineral II Khopesh.
    3. TWF Deathinp/Mineral II Heavy Pick (but practically, the ability to go Banishing/Puncturing pushes Khopesh out of the # 2 spot, albeit technically that's not DPS).
    4. Mineral II GreatAxe (unless it's WF with Barb and WF PA III and Spectral Gloves).
    5. SOS.

    I'll get those numbers to you as soon as I find them...

    *edit* Blacksteel beat me to it with the numbers - don't forget you can jump once and hold jump down the whole time to reset the chain for long periods with stationary mobs like Harry. Those THF need to be tweaked though as however you do it SOS is going to be slower than GreatAxe.
    Last edited by Cold Stele; 09-09-2008 at 05:20 PM.

  7. #7
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    I have mastered reseting my chain, ever since the nerf to attack speed way back when, so I'll assume 135, and put another number up for someone who doesn't reset.

    Thank you very much.
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  8. #8
    Community Member Shyver's Avatar
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    Madstone rage is only +2 Strength. Unless you're counting the 1 charge + the on hit, then you'd be at +4 but it's rather limited in time.
    Old school Tharashk player since '06

  9. #9
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    I'm including the on hit, just because mine goes off fairly often, and I see both up 75% of the time. I make sure to get hit, alot.
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  10. #10
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    I need to leave for a few hours, but I'll get back to the DPS numbers when I get back later, or someone else can beat me too it, whatever works. And actually, I just realized I can't figure out a way to get the DPS numbers the way I wanted, including Critical hits. Anyone care to elaborate on how I can work this out?

    Minimum DPS (Assuming you roll 1's on your dice rolls for 1 seconds worth of attacks, unrealistic I know but, I just wanted to put it in):
    Average DPS:
    Maximum DPS (Assuming you max out your dice rolls for 1 seconds worth of attacks, unrealistic I know but, I just wanted to put it in):

    How can I add in critical hits aswell? I really should be able to do this, but I'm having a brain fart right now.
    Last edited by Mastodon; 09-09-2008 at 05:29 PM.
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  11. #11
    Community Member Shyver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mastodon View Post
    I'm including the on hit, just because mine goes off fairly often, and I see both up 75% of the time. I make sure to get hit, alot.
    Yeah what I'm saying though is, unless you have multiple pairs of boots, you'll only see the double madstone rage for at best 2 min. in between shrines.
    Old school Tharashk player since '06

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cold Stele View Post
    I'll dig out the numbers (I have them somewhere I'm sure).

    In the mean time I'm going to put money on -

    1. Radiance II TWF Rogue (but it's situational).
    2. TWF Mineral II Khopesh.
    3. TWF Deathinp/Mineral II Heavy Pick (but practically, the ability to go Banishing/Puncturing pushes Khopesh out of the # 2 spot, albeit technically that's not DPS).
    4. Mineral II GreatAxe (unless it's WF with Barb and WF PA III and Spectral Gloves).
    5. SOS.

    I'll get those numbers to you as soon as I find them...

    *edit* Blacksteel beat me to it with the numbers - don't forget you can jump once and hold jump down the whole time to reset the chain for long periods with stationary mobs like Harry. Those THF need to be tweaked though as however you do it SOS is going to be slower than GreatAxe.
    I figured that too. You are right about the ability to have Banishing/Puncturing/etc., but I really am just looking for straight DPS. I'm really saddened to see the Greataxe so far behind; I really do love THF more than TWF.

    And to the tune of 24 Larges, the GA is far more appealing to those who are poor like me. 48 is such a hassle.

    Yeah, I knew SOS was going to lose it. It seems so unlikely with it's massive critical range, but having to deal with the slow swing AND no Axe Damage enhancements, it really does lose it. Basically it's become the weapon to use until you get your GS weapon for THF's, rather than the end all weapon it used to be.
    Last edited by Mastodon; 09-09-2008 at 05:34 PM.
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shyver View Post
    Yeah what I'm saying though is, unless you have multiple pairs of boots, you'll only see the double madstone rage for at best 2 min. in between shrines.
    You're right, and I know it is situational but I just felt the need to put it in. But that is the exact reason I did not put up the Scourge Choker, because it is way too undependable for constant numbers.
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  14. #14
    Community Member BlackSteel's Avatar
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    FYI theres a post a ways back where I did the exact same thing, but only compared a WF with GA agaisnt a human TWF with khopeshes, i'll dig up the link when not in party in game
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  15. #15
    Community Member Shyver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mastodon View Post
    You're right, and I know it is situational but I just felt the need to put it in. But that is the exact reason I did not put up the Scourge Choker, because it is way too undependable for constant numbers.
    Oh yeah I know. I was just wondering if you were going for max situational DPS or an average DPS while questing. For max (self-buffed) DPS I'd allow for the alchemical potion, double madstone rage, and scourge choker. But for average quest (self-buffed) DPS I'd go with just a single madstone and drop the alchemical potion and scourge choker.
    Old school Tharashk player since '06

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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    FYI theres a post a ways back where I did the exact same thing, but only compared a WF with GA agaisnt a human TWF with khopeshes, i'll dig up the link when not in party in game
    Cool, yeah I assumed not WF, because mine is a Dwarf, so that would add in a few numbers to help the GA out. Yeah, link would be awesome, be ashame to have done all this work when it's already been done before though

    Aw well, at least it kept me busy for an hour or so.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shyver View Post
    Oh yeah I know. I was just wondering if you were going for max situational DPS or an average DPS while questing. For max (self-buffed) DPS I'd allow for the alchemical potion, double madstone rage, and scourge choker. But for average quest (self-buffed) DPS I'd go with just a single madstone and drop the alchemical potion and scourge choker.
    Well, I was looking for average quest DPS, so, I can drop the alchemical potion, second Madstone, and the SC was already not in the calculation.

    However, give me a bit, like I said, heading out don't have the time to sit back down and re-do the numbers, I guess you'd be losing 4 STR from all of that, so thats like what -4 damage to base hits to THF and -2 to Khopeshes/Deathnips? 2 for the STR loss and 2 more for the STR bonus THF gets?
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    FYI theres a post a ways back where I did the exact same thing, but only compared a WF with GA agaisnt a human TWF with khopeshes, i'll dig up the link when not in party in game
    You mean the post with no factual basis or quality comparable analysis. By the way I think thf get 3000 swings a minute or is it 20 or is it 40.
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  19. #19
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    i asked people to supply me a number they thought was reasonable for swings per minute, thats not the autoattack stand still and go have a cup of coffee number. I've counted 135 swings a minute when testing it, as has several other people in different threads.
    Shadowsteel [TR train wreck]

  20. #20
    Community Member Cold_Stele's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlackSteel View Post
    i asked people to supply me a number they thought was reasonable for swings per minute, thats not the autoattack stand still and go have a cup of coffee number. I've counted 135 swings a minute when testing it, as has several other people in different threads.
    That's GA right?

    Got a number for GS/SOS?

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