Garth 20/ftr (Kensei) Haeson 20/clr Cairis 12/ftr 6/rgr 2/rog Xortan 20/wiz
Tinosa 20/brd Garthbot 20/fvs Gaarth 18/ftr 1/rgr 1/rog (Stal Def)
Tibetan 20/mnk Automatic DDO raid timers Haezon 20/sor (Conj)
Defender of Sealtiel is a paladinish version of the Dwarven Defender abilities: you get a toggle to increase your str, con, AC, and DR, but nearly elminate your running speed. In addition there'd be a Deflection bonus to AC.
Hunter of the Dead is what it sounds like- bonuses for attacking undead, a bonus on saves against them, and resistance (or even immunity) to energy drain.
Knight of the Chalice is dedicated to direct combat against evil outsiders, and has damage bonuses against them. They can use Turn Undead against evil outsiders, and their aura may give extra protection against special attacks from evil outsiders.
Hunter of the Dead and Knight of the Chalice are both from Complete Warrior. I can't find Defender of Siberys anywhere, so... Your guess is as good as mine.
Hunter of the Dead
Alignment: Nonevil (you're a Pally -- figure it out)
BAB: +5
Skills: Knowledge (Religion) 5 ranks
Special: Ability to turn undead
Special: Scar of Unlife: The character must have lost one level or had an ability score point d rained by an undead creature. Even if the loss is later offset by magic, this is the scar of unlife that all hunters of the dead carry.
Full BAB, good Fort save, poor Ref/Wil saves
10 level PrC
Spellcasting: Divine based (Wis) (probably won't have any effect as an Enhancement)
Detect Undead: At will, a hunter of the dead can use detect undead as if casting the spell of the same name. (considering Paladins don't have detect evil[/i] they probably won't get this[/i])
Smite Undead: Once per day, a hunter of the dead of 2nd level or higher can attempt to smite undead with one normal melee attack. Add Wis mod (if positive) to attack roll and deal 1 extra damage per level. 2 uses at 6th level, 3 at 10th.
Spurn Death's Touch: A hunter of the dead of 3rd level or higher applies Wis bonus (if positive) to all saving throws against effects and spells used by undead. Bonus stacks with the Wis mod already applied to Will saves. (i wonder if Force of Personality will effect the stat mod used for this? probably not, but it's a thought)
True Death: Undead slain by a hunter of the dead of 5th level or higher, either by melee attacks or spells, can never rise again as undead. They are forever destroyed. (good thing the world isn't persistent. "man, some stupid hotd perma-killed the boss!")
Extra Turning: A 6th level HotD gains the Extra Turning feat. (because turning works soooo well)
Positive Energy Burst: At the cost of two normal turning attempts, a HotD of at least 8th level can use a standard action to create a positive energy burst that deals 1d6 points of damage per class level to all undead creatures within 20'. Undead are allowed a Ref save (10 + HotD class level + Cha mod) for half damage.
Sealed Life: A 10th level HotD cannot lose levels to energy drain effects (although death still results in level loss, as do other level- or experience-draining effects).
Knight of the Chalice
Alignment: LG (again, you're a Pally, duh)
BAB: +8
Skills: Knowledge (The Planes) 5 ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 10 ranks
Spells: Able to cast divine spells, including protection from evil.
Spellcasting: Divine, Wis based
Full BAB, good Fort save, poor Ref/Wil saves
10 level PrC
Fiendslaying: KotCs gain a number of special benefits in combat with Evil Outsiders. A 1st level KotC gets a +1 Competence Bonus on attack rolls against Evil Outsiders. On a successful attack, she deals an extra 1d6 damage due to her expertise in combating these creatures. These bonuses increase as the knight advances in levels (+2/+2d6 at 3rd, +3/+3d6 at 6th, +4/+4d6 at 9th). A 1st level KotC's +1 Competence bonus also applies to Intimidate, Listen, Sense Motive and Spot checks when she uses these skills against Evil Outsiders. She gets the same bonus on Will saving throws against attacks from Evil Outsiders and on opposed ability checks she makes against Evil Outsiders. These bonuses all stack with the knight's favored enemy bonus, if any. (more ranger/pally splashes?)
Censure Demons: KotCs can censure demons, much as Clerics Turn Undead. Rather than channeling positive energy, a KotC channels energy from the celestial planes of LG. When a KotC uses this ability, any demon within 30' must succeed on a Will asve (10 + KotC class level + Cha mod) or be censured. A censured demon whose HD are equal to or greater than twice the KotC's class level is stunned by their holy power for 1 round. If a censured demon has fewer HD than twice the KotC's class level, it is stunned and must succeed on a second Will save (same DC) or be sent back to its home plane as if it had been subject of a dismissal spell. Only one demon may be dismissed in this way by any single censure demons attempt; if more than one demon is required to make this second Will save, check for the demon with the lowest HD first. A KotC may attempt to censure demons 1/day for every two levels she possesses. (we all know how well turning works -- I bet this will be about the same in result if it's used)
Courage of Heaven: A KotC of 2nd level or higher is immune to fear effects cast or created by Evil Outsiders. At 5th level and higher, a KotC is also immune to enchantment spells and effects cast or created by Evil Outsiders, including charms and suggestions. At 8th level and higher, these immunities extend to all allies within 20' of the KotC.
Consecrated Casting: 4th level KotC's spells cast on an Evil Outsider become more difficult to resist. Add +2 to caster level check to overcome target's SR and +2 to spell DC.
Holy Aura: 10th level KotC can cast holy aura on herself only. Aura's effect is as the spell cast by a 10th level cleric, but it wards the knight against the attacks, spells and mental influence of Evil Outsiders, and only Evil Outsiders can be blinded if they strike the knight.
KotC is definitely a good PrE right now, and pretty good for the future. Unfortunately, Shavarath is the plane of Devils and not Demons, so Censure is fairly useless (not that it isn't anyway, but doubly so for those reasons). I'm not sure how HotD will work out other than "I gotta slay me an Abbot -- time to respec!"
Time to Google Defender of Siberys.
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
Knight of the Chalice.../drools
Really cant wait for these, something for every pally...
Next mod will have a dracolich which is undead and is rumored to have some undead mobs in it..
Norg Fighter12/Paladin6/Monk2, Jacquiej Cleric18/Monk1/Wiz1, Rabiez Bard16/Ranger3/Cleric1, Hangover Bard L20, Boomsticks Fighter12/Monk 6/Druid 2, Grumblegut Ranger8/Paladin6/Monk6, Rabidly Rogue L20, Furiously Rogue10/Monk6/Paladin4, Snowcones Cleric 12/Ranger 6/Monk 2, Norge Barbarian 12/FVS4/Rogue4. Guild:Prophets of The New Republic Khyber.
"Shavarath the Battleground, is a region ever gripped in the throws of war as three groups vie for control of the plane, a host of celestial archons, an infernal reginment of devils and a swarming horde of demons. "
if i recall, there was once a mention of us siding with the devils or demons to fight the other when we get to shavarath... forgot which and where i read it though.
Last edited by Laith; 09-09-2008 at 01:51 PM.
Myrrhl ~ Myrak ~ Myriarch ~ Dorkamyr ~ Myrauder
The New WDA-like-thing : DDO Damage Tool
The Path To Enlightenment: learning to heal in stages : Sneaking Tips : Raid Flagging Instructions
Found it, Book of Exalted Deeds.
Defender of Sealtiel
Alignment: LG (huh, gee)
BAB: +7
Skills: Listen 5 ranks
Feats: Diehard, Endurance, Servant of the Heavens (once per day, add +1 luck bonus to any one roll or check)
Full BAB, good Fort/Wil saves, poor Ref save
10 level PrC
Defensive Stance: Same as DD's Defensive Stance; +2 Str, +4 Con, +2 Resistance bonus on all saves, +4 Dodge bonus to AC, can't move around while in Stance or it breaks. (1st level 1/day, 3rd level 2/day, 5th level 3/day, 7th level 4/day, 9th level 5/day)
Shield of Faith: 1st level DoS can cast it 3/day, caster level = his class level.
Magic Circle: 2nd level DoS is constantly surrounded by magic circle against evil as cast by cleric of his DoS level.
Shield Other: 2nd level DoS can cast shield other once per day. Caster level is DoS level.
Blood of the Martyr: 4th level DoS can use blood of the martyr as the spell once per day. Caster level is DoS level. (transfer min 20HP to target - you lose that HP, target gains that in healed HP)
Protective Aura: 6th level DoS can use protective aura once per day. Effect does not stack with his magic circle against evil. Caster level is DoS level. 10th level DoS can use this ability 3/day.
Glory of the Martyr: 8th level DoS can use glory of the martyr 1/day. Caster level is DoS level. (subjects gains +1 deflection bonus to AC and +1 resistance bonus on saves. all subjects take only half damage from all wounds and attacks that deal them HP damage. You take other half of the damage. if you die while the spell is in effect, the spell ends in a burst of positive energy that restores 1d8 HP to each subject.)
Person Æ, SarlonaTanka (Elf Tempest Trapper) .:. Darani (Aasimar Inquisileric) .:. Raelyth (Elf Artifonk)
Not a fan that 2 of the 3 are against a specific mob.......
Yeah I was hoping for something along the lines of a Fist of Raziel or Shining Blade of Heironeous. Guess we'll see what's cooked up once everything shakes out. I think the Defender of Siberys will be a nice addition for tankadins. Another nice thing would be to have a 90 second timer for every smite a paladin uses that way we can smite burst every 90 seconds. Also making smite a little bit more fluid with the attack chain would help greatly. There are numerous times I have to mash the smite button (20-30 times) while tanking just to get it to process. Same goes with intimidating. Combat needs to be more fluid for abilities such as these.
Last edited by Alcides; 09-10-2008 at 08:32 AM.
Likily being mostly enhancement driven, you could prolly switch them out as is convinient.
It really depends on what they make the feat requirements though. Hopfully they would make them feats that compliment the build, possibly ones that you might already have in your build, especially since they are very focused. Hopefully they realize that, unlike PnP, we dont get to choose the content for the most part.
Where they made tempest pretty requirement driven, but universally affective, we will see the opposite for pallys... /sigh who am i kidding...![]()