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  1. #1
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Default Monk help request

    Heya folks,
    I am a returning player who's interested in Monk, and I'm currently thinking of going with one of the Monk / Ranger builds. I've also read up on Monk on these forums, as much as I can anyway. So I'm pretty clear on things like Finishing Moves, Stances, etc.

    However, I did have a few quick questions I'm hoping those with Monk expertise can help me with.

    1) I was thinking of going with both Quarterstaff and TWF Kamas (I like versatility). So essentially, I'd start him out as QS monk until maybe level 6 or 7, and then multiclass with Ranger for the free TWF feats and to work my way toward Tempest. I'm just curious how viable this is over staying pure monk, as well as how best to go about it. Maybe Monk 1-5, Ranger 1-6, then back to Monk?

    2) I've seen a number of builds advocating Halfling as the preferred Monk race of choice. Personally, I've always been a Human fan. But it seems to be apples vs. oranges really (+1 to hit/saves/ac permanently vs. +2~5 to one of those for a short duration). Halfling racial enhancement stat = DEX. Humans = your choice. I'm presuming that perhaps the Halfling is superior when it comes to the dragonmark options (healing), but if I went that route I'd probably be awful short on feats, no? I'd want Power Attack for when using the QS, and would want to get Dodge, Mobility, and Spring Attack (Tempest pre-reqs), plus maybe Toughness as well.
    Just curious if I'm missing something here. Build would be the standard 28-point, by the way.

    Any help appreciated. Thanks!

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post
    1) I was thinking of going with both Quarterstaff and TWF Kamas (I like versatility). So essentially, I'd start him out as QS monk until maybe level 6 or 7
    May as well just use handwraps, because before about that level you can't really Power Attack, which is what makes a staff good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post
    2) I've seen a number of builds advocating Halfling as the preferred Monk race of choice.
    Halfling Guile IV is the important enhancement you're missing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post
    But it seems to be apples vs. oranges really (+1 to hit/saves/ac permanently
    Halflings have a lot more than +1 permanent saves.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerendil View Post
    I'd want Power Attack for when using the QS
    Basically everyone with a melee weapon should have Power Attack on, regardless of if it's two-handed.

  3. #3
    Community Member Aerendil's Avatar
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    Hmm, I had missed Halfling Guile. So with maxed guile and cunning, you'd have +4 to hit and +8 dmg while flanking an enemy, which is certainly nice in group/raid situations, and especially nice if dual wielding (+8dmg to each kama hit? Ouch).
    Granted, it is only situationally nice, and if you're soloing you'd be dependant on only using it for first-strikes or if you can pull off a stunning blow / stunning fist + flanking maneuver.

    Again, one could argue that having +5 to either your AC, to-hit, damage, or to saves whenever you want is a nice bonus on Humans, and what makes them so versatile.

    So to each their own, I guess. I'm sure testing will show that Halfling Guile and Cunning is superior to Human Versatility in most encounters, but I've never been one for powerbuilds or min-maxing, personally. I'm more inclined to play a race or class because I *want* to.

    As for PA - I'd disagree with that comment, as it's far too general. Using PA is entirely dependant on your level, BAB, and the enemy you're fighting.
    I am presuming you meant at endgame, though, in which case I agree

  4. #4
    Community Member Theboz's Avatar
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    If you want to do a Monk/ranger the best bet would be to do it as a 10monk/6ranger

    One of the reasons is for Tempest and you can get your enhancements for dex and wisdom higher

    My monk/ranger when he hit level 16 only had a protection +5 item and had a unbuffed AC of 61

    and I was able to get my Dex upto 35, just need a +3 tome for 36(using a +2 dex shroud weapon)

    and my Wisdom to 30 +2 tome

    Its a really fun build and i get asked question about it all the time from people I party with, I do tell them though im not origanator of the build.
    Member of Mythical

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