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  1. #1
    Community Member Bashfyl's Avatar
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    Default I Need a Rogue Build...

    So I played this game a while ago, but stopped for almost a year, and started playing again just a few days ago. I really want to play a rogue, but I've read a lot of hate about rogues (I was always that squishy guy who used Sneak attack then ran in a circle praying the fighter would pull aggro )

    I only reactivated 1 account and I don't even have drow... so I would really like some help on making a good rogue that can do all the trap stuff and have good dps and hp. Please no twinking, like assuming tomes at level 1 (I saw one post that included 5 +2 tomes at level 1! ) So any help on a 28-point build rogue that won't be a burden to the party would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking halfling for the sneak attack enhancements, or dwarf for more hps.... Thanks.

  2. #2
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bashfyl View Post
    So I played this game a while ago, but stopped for almost a year, and started playing again just a few days ago. I really want to play a rogue, but I've read a lot of hate about rogues (I was always that squishy guy who used Sneak attack then ran in a circle praying the fighter would pull aggro )

    I only reactivated 1 account and I don't even have drow... so I would really like some help on making a good rogue that can do all the trap stuff and have good dps and hp. Please no twinking, like assuming tomes at level 1 (I saw one post that included 5 +2 tomes at level 1! ) So any help on a 28-point build rogue that won't be a burden to the party would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking halfling for the sneak attack enhancements, or dwarf for more hps.... Thanks.
    Here are two possibilities:

    16, 8, 16, 14, 8, 12 (level up points into str)
    Being a high con dwarf, and taking toughness, will equal lots of HP for this build. Also, using str will let you skip weapon finesse and, if u take even one splash class, give you more weapon choices - which is very nice for a new player. Max cha will also let you use UMD weapons pretty easily at the higher levels. 14 intel is really a little overkill for a rogue, but it isn't bad, and will let you easily keep everything important maxed and invest a bit elsewhere. I would also recommend keeping diplomacy maxed, because this build will do a lot of damage, and really only has HP as a defense.

    12, 18, 14, 14, 8, 8 (level up points into dex)
    Dex build here, but a lot of AC potential. I would use a shield, and even grab combat expertise at higher level for some excellent AC and, being halfling, saves as well. Cha is a little lower, so it will be a little longer before your UMD really blossoms, but this build has definite strengths. You will have massize sneak attack damage from your enhancements, so you are hurt less from being a dex build than other races would be. And, if you ever decide that you want to switch to TWF (the current flavor of the month that will probably be adjusted soon), you will have the dex to easily do so.
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  3. #3
    Community Member Bashfyl's Avatar
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    Default thanks for the reply :)

    I think i like the halfling, but the hp of dwarf is somewhat alluring.... Do you think the dwarf would be decent with 10 dex and maybe lower int or cha? i don't like the idea of -1 to dex for a rogue....

  4. #4
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bashfyl View Post
    I think i like the halfling, but the hp of dwarf is somewhat alluring.... Do you think the dwarf would be decent with 10 dex and maybe lower int or cha? i don't like the idea of -1 to dex for a rogue....
    how about 14, 16, 16, 14, 8, 6 - level up points into dex. You would still have all the dwarf toughness bonuses, but the AC and attacking style of a typical rogue
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  5. #5
    Community Member DasLurch's Avatar
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    Here's a different build for you...

    Human Rogue

    STATS: (starting value/buffed end values, no tomes used)
    Str- 14/25 (+1 enhancement, +4 levels, +6item)
    Dex- 12/22 (+4 enhancements, +6item)
    Con- 14/20 (+6item)
    Int- 14/20 (+6item)
    Wis- 8/14 (+6 item)
    Cha- 14/20 (+6 item)

    This is a Str based build, so the feats will reflect that...

    Lev 1- Toughness
    Lev 1 human bonus- Force of Personality
    Lev 3- Exotic Proficency: Khopesh
    Lev 6- Power Attack
    Lev 9- Skill Focus UMD
    Lev 10 Rogue Bonus- Improved Evasion
    Lev 12- Improved Critical: Slashing
    Lev 13 Rogue Bonus- Slippery Mind
    Lev 15- IC: Pierce
    Lev 16 Rogue Bonus- Skill Mastery

    Other feats to consider in your build depending on your playstyle would be the 2 weapon fighting feats, Shield Proficiency, Combat Expertise, Cleave, Dodge, and Luck of Heroes.

    Skills should not be a problem with the human bonus points and Starting Int of 14. Max out the normal skills of DD, OL, UMD, balance, jump, search, spot, and haggle. Maybe diplomacy or bluff to fill out the rest of the points. I'm tired and not going to do all the math

    This build is focused on strength to attack, having a strong UMD skill for all sorts of scrolling spells and wands, and decent sneak attack damage. As with all 28 point builds that don't include tomes and equipment, some things will be lowwer than one would prefer (like the end game HP). Some of those issues can be fixed with items (the HP problems can be helped out with a *** of greater false life item and a shroud HP item), a high + weapon, and scrolls (displacement scrolls to help out the AC issue). It's not perfect, because no build is (especially Rogues ), so be careful when trying to "pull aggro" because sneak attack is your bread and butter here.

    I hope all goes well, and have fun out there
    Keris-20Rogue Rahm-19Fighter Bodi-18Bard Uke Lele-20Bard Willoughby-17Rogue Ivey-20Sorc Efric-20Ranger Glaude-20FvS Hania-20Cleric Crezida-16Sorc Gespar-20Wizard Yorgo-11Barb Yurric-16Monk

  6. #6
    Community Member CSFurious's Avatar
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    Default races for rogues

    if i were going to roll a rogue today, this is how i rank the races

    (1) halfling (rogues are their fav class for a reason, i.e., you want to lead kill counts, go half assassin)

    (2) dwarf (i need lots of hitpoints, good str-based thug rogue)

    (3) drow (int, dex & chr bonuses, i.e., the poor man's 32-pointer & would be a good assassin)

    (4) human (jack of all trades)

    other races would not even bother

    unless you have 32-pointers, if you want to be the best, go DROW
    Last edited by CSFurious; 09-09-2008 at 07:30 AM.

  7. #7
    Community Member iruka41's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bashfyl View Post
    So I played this game a while ago, but stopped for almost a year, and started playing again just a few days ago. I really want to play a rogue, but I've read a lot of hate about rogues (I was always that squishy guy who used Sneak attack then ran in a circle praying the fighter would pull aggro )

    I only reactivated 1 account and I don't even have drow... so I would really like some help on making a good rogue that can do all the trap stuff and have good dps and hp. Please no twinking, like assuming tomes at level 1 (I saw one post that included 5 +2 tomes at level 1! ) So any help on a 28-point build rogue that won't be a burden to the party would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking halfling for the sneak attack enhancements, or dwarf for more hps.... Thanks.
    Starting WIS of 14, 1 level of monk, along with Combat Expertise.
    +10 AC w/o much effort.
    No more squisy Rogues.
    (32point isw much better to do this)

    P.S. Halfling Rogue has great benefit of AC, and Self-Healing (Dragonmarks).
    And they don't suffer from DPS thanks to those sneak attack enhancements.
    Last edited by iruka41; 09-09-2008 at 08:16 AM.
    Ghallanda: Officer, "A Few Good Men"
    Alts: Ginseng(WF Sorcerer/1Barbarian), Melee(Dwarven Ranger/1Rogue), Silverlith(Elven FavoredSoul/2Monk/1Fighter) Consilience(WF Wizard), Ooze(Dwarven Monk)

  8. #8
    Community Member Sue_Dark's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    if i were going to roll a rogue today, this is how i rank the races

    (1) halfling (rogues are their fav class for a reason, i.e., you want to lead kill counts, go half assassin)

    (2) dwarf (i need lots of hitpoints, good str-based thug rogue)

    (3) drow (int, dex & chr bonuses, i.e., the poor man's 32-pointer & would be a good assassin)

    (4) human (jack of all trades)

    other races would not even bother

    unless you have 32-pointers, if you want to be the best, go DROW
    Um, OP already said he DOES NOT have drow available. He also gave hints at liking halfling and dwarf.

    Personally, I agree that halfies are the best rogues. My 10rog/1rgr is running around at about 160 hp, no GFL yet, no tomes either. Not horrid, but certainly not a tank. Fully buffed and using uncanny/acrobat clickies I can hit 56AC. This is with only a +3 dex item (again no tomes). Standing armor is around 42 and bumps to 51 with clickies. Yes the clickies only last 20sec-1min but often that is all you need. Shield block, pop an ac booster, hit Dip and then let the tank have the agro back. Max'd the normal skills and added balance with acrobat enhancement line i'm lookin for a +7 item to be titan-proof 100%. (@work atm, so numbers are from memory and might be 1-2 points off)

    OP- The build doesnt make the character, the player does, with only a few minor exceptions. On a rogue, 28 point starter, no less than 12 int. No less than 16 dex or str (which ever route you desire to go no less than 10 in the opposite stat). Wisdom shoot for 12+, as well as con. CHA for umd, I started with 8, I'm at LVL 11 and without swapping a ton of gear I can just about wield RR L10-12 items. You have to decide if you want to be able to raise dead from a scroll, or just have some healing ability as far as umd goes. If you splash ranger (1-2 levels) you gain wand usage for healing (up to cure serious) and a few feats with minimal impact to your skills. If you desire to remain pure, you're going to use a good number of pots in the beginning. Only getting to where you can self heal later in teh game.

    The key to a good rogue is knowing when to attack. You arent a front line, first to charge, main battle tank. You are a stealth killer. The rogue lets the main tank grab agro and then moves in for sneak attacks. Hits a few times and then hits diplo or stops attacking for a second. This sort of activity allows the main tankk to retain agro, and in turn you to maximize your DPS. Enhancement lines, tomes, equipment and player skill play into the rogue alot, but you can have a very successful 28 point rogue long before any of these things come into play. Just play smart and NEVER, EVER Panic. Running around in circles is BAD. You can use a shield, even if you arent proficient, to shield block. (light mithral, if you can find one, will give you no penalties to skills).

    Good luck with your rogue. They can be alot of fun. Just remember that your rogue may have to be the party lead to get into a party. Take the route of showing the "world" that rogues are not useless and you never know. You might find yourself being asked to join groups that would otherwise have left you out.
    Fyshie the Tasty, of Thelanis
    Notit of Khyber
    I may not like what you have to say, but I will defend to the death, your right to say it.

  9. #9
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Whatever your attack stat is (str or dex as you choose), do not start with less than 16 in that attribute. It's not fun to spend half your career missing.
    sravana, kirtana, smarana, dasya, atma-nivedana

  10. #10
    Community Member Bashfyl's Avatar
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    Default Wow, thanks for all the input :)

    I built the rogue a week or so ago... maybe a little less... Currently lvl 3/1 rog/ftr. (should have gone ranger, but will do that at lvl 5)... started w/ 16 str and con. both are now 18, so that's pretty fun. got the puzzle cap, so my int is 16... only problem is my 8 wis and 12 dex (10 start).. i have as many ranks as i can in diplomacy, but i've noticed at low lvls i'm better off just killing one monster at a time and just avoiding getting any agro from a group of monsters.... monsters have relatively low hp, so by the time i need diplo i might as well just kill it...
    1 thing that makes me glad i went str based is using a greataxe and getting sneak atk.. it's quite a bit of dmg lol... just curious about my hp, i think i'm good.. i have 85 at lvl 4 overall, is that decent? i had 74 at lvl 3 and i grouped with a lvl 3 barb who had 75 normally and 81 raged so i was thinking i was ok...

  11. #11
    Community Member ORCRiST's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CSFurious View Post
    if i were going to roll a rogue today, this is how i rank the races

    (1) halfling (rogues are their fav class for a reason, i.e., you want to lead kill counts, go half assassin)

    (2) dwarf (i need lots of hitpoints, good str-based thug rogue)

    (3) drow (int, dex & chr bonuses, i.e., the poor man's 32-pointer & would be a good assassin)

    (4) human (jack of all trades)

    other races would not even bother

    unless you have 32-pointers, if you want to be the best, go DROW
    Oh yeah, 'cause regular elves SUCK don't they?
    Aamberly Evenstar, Rogue Extrordinaire, Winner of Eberron Magazine's Hottest Elf Chick of the Year / Ariion Evenstar / Blackcat of Greyhawk / Kazahiro Khan, Mischevious Monk

    Proud Officer of The Dragonmark Alliance (Fernia, now Ghallanda)

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by ORCRiST View Post
    Oh yeah, 'cause regular elves SUCK don't they?
    I personally prefer elves over drow as 32pt builds just because of the flexibility in placing stat points
    Fallen former minion of the Gelatinous Cube
    Proud Member of Ascent
    Arko Highstar
    Arckos Highstar

  13. #13
    Community Member Rindalathar's Avatar
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    It is a bit specious to leave out regular elves, I agree. I've had a 28-point elf rogue since launch and I've never felt he was gimped in any way.
    The Leper Squad - Ghallanda

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