Some background.
I have a cleric, she is level 15, and I have never had a problem healing anyone that walks on two legs.
I made a WF barbarian, for a couple of reasons. I wanted to make a WF to see how they ticked, the reading talks a lot about some good class attributes, immunities, that kind of thing. Plus, one of my higher toons pulled a Vorpal Greataxe, Min level 10, rr WF, and I want to use it, not sell it.
As I normally do, I solo through the harbor quests, and joined my first pug for Tangleroot. I don't usually twink much at low levels, with the exception of pots for healing (or repairing, in this case) and a ring of feathers because I just friggin hate ladders.
First group I got in was great. A well formed, well played group, and we mostly cakewalked through Tangleroot. The next group was good too, we did Deleras and it was fun and smooth.
Next two groups were not so good.
The first of the lousy pugs had a cleric who was 11 years old, who told me that he could not heal me because I was a robot. I explained to him that yes, I am warforged, but I have taken healers friend, and his healing will be almost as effective on me as anyone else, plus I have a lot of hitpoints and pots, but don't be afraid to heal me if needed. Unfortunately, before we even started the quest I left group, although that had more to do with 11 years old than it did with not healing me. I thought it was kind of funny that a cleric would figure that he couldn't heal me, but I chalked that up to youth.
The second group was the worst. I won't name any names, but he knows who I mean. We are doing Depths quests, and make it to the first shrine a little whacked up. The cleric heals the rest of the party up, then sits down to shrine....with about one sixth of a blue bar remaining. I cough politely, and he says that I should know he can't heal me because I am a warforged, plus he has three warforged and they all are self healing like all good warforged are. So far, not so bad, but as I explain that I have healers friend and he can heal me if needed in spite of the fact that I have pots, he says that it is just a waste of manna. So I drop group. Call me sensitive, being referred to as a waste of manna sort of set me off.
So, aside from venting a little (or a lot), I have a question for the other WF players out there as well as a statement to anyone playing a cleric out there.
The Statement: I really like my WF Barbarian. Like I do with all my toons, I am going to be as self sufficient as possible, including self healing. If I am being treated any differently than any other race in a pug as far as cleric healing, I am going to either hang back and avoid taking damage (of course, this will mean I am not doing much DPS. Heck, I will grab a bow and hang back and range), or I am going to drop group. I hate dropping group, but I also hate chugging pots like a frat boy at a kegger when I could easily be healed up by the cleric and the only reason I am not being healed is because I am a warforged.
The Question: Is this an endemic thing? Is it hugely common for clerics to refuse to heal warforged, or did I just win the stupid pug lottery that day? My cleric has never had a problem healing warforged, and when on my sorc I tend to drop max empowered repair serious or wand whip when I can on any warforged in the group, but I have always viewed that as a supplement to the cleric rather than as a sole healer.