RR Elf/Drow UMD 18. ML: 8
Durability 104/104(1tick)
Hardness: 16
Looking for Larges, +2 tome or bloodstone.
RR Elf/Drow UMD 18. ML: 8
Durability 104/104(1tick)
Hardness: 16
Looking for Larges, +2 tome or bloodstone.
Reidra fragment of Khyber;
Aleos - Original Rogueadin (TM) Ales - DPSadin
Alsalak - Sorc o' Death Alsmonk - Guess. Alvan - Miniture Batman
what larges ya lookin for? I have 2 of these rapiers already, need another for a 3rd toon. although it IS nice, I dont think its worthy of a scale or stone.
Grassi Grassii Neuk Trademarks Pantala
Freedom is an empty cup from which everyone wants to drink