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We did a guild Hound run last night, and since we were between us, we made a small explorer detour into the "deep tunnel".
After a few fights, we found a second portal, leading to "the Den of the Beast". There we found a named, the Son of Xizzy.
My initial thought was: cool.
After the kill and the **** chest, it became: i will never come here again.
Just like that Skelton General, the Devil General, and all the other hidden bosses in there.
Now, named loot draw out players.
Just look at the renewed popularity of GoP after you put in the Raiment, or OOB after the new gloves made it. People still hunt the desert, PoP, Xorian Cypher.
Many players take their main on shroud, hound, and vod every 3 days and are bored otherwise. I strongly believe that putting nice named loot in the various Subterrean chest, which are, lets face it, not easy at all to get, would give players a fun activity to do.
How do create interresting but not Ovepowered loot? Easy: take an unusual ability (like the firestorm greave, of the planar gird), OR, put a stat on an unusual slot (bloodstone, reaver ring) or, give a popular basic item a little boost (like adding a spell focus to some INT 6 goggles).
Exemple of little things that would draw players out:
- a trinket with FF and UWA
- Dex 6 boots of striding 25%
- GFL belt of balance 15
- a mask with cha 6, intim 15, Lighning guard
- a +3 vorpal Kukri
- a +5 Impact holy silver quaterstaff weighted 10%
You know, little stuff, not too strong, but enough for people to hunt them.