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  1. #1
    Community Member SlipperyPete's Avatar
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    Default Your Perform Skill is Too Low to Perform this Song

    I have a 15th level bard that when he tries to sing "Inspire Heroics" gets the message "Your Perform Skill is Too Low to Perform this Song".

    This feat reads, and I quote: "Activate this bard ability to grant an ally a +4 moral bonus to his or her saves, and a +4 dodge bonus to armor class. Requires 18 ranks of the perform skill to use".

    The base perform skill on this toon is a 23. That's with no charisma item, no spells, enhancements etc.

    Lvl 15 Pure Bard
    Base Charisma 23

    This has me baffled. Any ideas what would be causing this?

    All the other songs work fine.
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  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlipperyPete View Post
    I have a 15th level bard that when he tries to sing "Inspire Heroics" gets the message "Your Perform Skill is Too Low to Perform this Song".

    This feat reads, and I quote: "Activate this bard ability to grant an ally a +4 moral bonus to his or her saves, and a +4 dodge bonus to armor class. Requires 18 ranks of the perform skill to use".

    The base perform skill on this toon is a 23. That's with no charisma item, no spells, enhancements etc.

    Lvl 15 Pure Bard
    Base Charisma 23

    This has me baffled. Any ideas what would be causing this?

    All the other songs work fine.
    How many ranks do you have in Perform? Not total score etc, but RANKS. Max ranks at lvl 15 is 18, max ranks is lvl +3. If you dont have 18 ranks, ie if you havent been putting points into Perform at each lvl, then that would explain it.

    I see in your post that you say your base score is 23, then you say your base charisma is 23, i am almost thinking you have the two confused

  3. #3
    Lamannia Coordinator Thoon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlipperyPete View Post
    I have a 15th level bard that when he tries to sing "Inspire Heroics" gets the message "Your Perform Skill is Too Low to Perform this Song".

    This feat reads, and I quote: "Activate this bard ability to grant an ally a +4 moral bonus to his or her saves, and a +4 dodge bonus to armor class. Requires 18 ranks of the perform skill to use".

    The base perform skill on this toon is a 23. That's with no charisma item, no spells, enhancements etc.

    Lvl 15 Pure Bard
    Base Charisma 23

    This has me baffled. Any ideas what would be causing this?

    All the other songs work fine.
    Seldarin is correct. The song Inspire Heroics requires 18 "ranks" in the Perform skill. 'Ranks' are the number of skill points you put into the skill when leveling up. Your total Perform skill includes any modifiers from Charisma, perform skill items, and other bonuses from spell or potions. At level fifteen you can only have a total of 18 'ranks' in Perform or any other skill (15 + 3, per PHB).

    If it makes you feel any better, when I hit level 15 with my bard right after the level cap was raised I forgot to put a rank into Perform and couldn't use Inspire Heroics until level 16 when I made up the difference.

    See the attached image to understand where the 'Ranks' column is in the Skills display.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  4. #4
    Community Member SlipperyPete's Avatar
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    Now I understand.

    My total perform mod is 23 (coincidently my charisma is 23 as well, not a mix up ) and the total rank is 17. The +6 from the charisma mod (17+6) brings it up to 23 so I'm 1 point short of inspire heroics.

    Thank you very much for helping get that through my thick skull. The guys on the hound runs aren't going to like this at all.
    Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearle Harbor?

  5. #5
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SlipperyPete View Post
    Now I understand.

    My total perform mod is 23 (coincidently my charisma is 23 as well, not a mix up ) and the total rank is 17. The +6 from the charisma mod (17+6) brings it up to 23 so I'm 1 point short of inspire heroics.

    Thank you very much for helping get that through my thick skull. The guys on the hound runs aren't going to like this at all.
    You'll be fine - 15th to 16th level doesn't take too long.
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by sirgog View Post
    You'll be fine - 15th to 16th level doesn't take too long.
    Hopefully the bard is level 15 and not 15/1 multiclass, because that would take too long to raise.

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  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Thoon View Post
    Seldarin is correct. The song Inspire Heroics requires 18 "ranks" in the Perform skill. 'Ranks' are the number of skill points you put into the skill when leveling up. Your total Perform skill includes any modifiers from Charisma, perform skill items, and other bonuses from spell or potions. At level fifteen you can only have a total of 18 'ranks' in Perform or any other skill (15 + 3, per PHB).

    If it makes you feel any better, when I hit level 15 with my bard right after the level cap was raised I forgot to put a rank into Perform and couldn't use Inspire Heroics until level 16 when I made up the difference.

    See the attached image to understand where the 'Ranks' column is in the Skills display.
    with such importance of certain skills, will a skill respect be in the order?
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  8. #8
    Lamannia Coordinator Thoon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    with such importance of certain skills, will a skill respect be in the order?
    As Inspire Heroics follows the Player's Handbook requirement for ranks (18) in Perform, I'm not sure there is a reason for a need of a skill respec system based on that skill.

    And if you look forward to the next bard song in the PHB, Mass Suggestion, it has the requirement of bard level 18 and 21 ranks in perform. Don't be surprised if this is the same in DDO.

  9. #9
    Community Member Samadhi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thoon View Post
    As Inspire Heroics follows the Player's Handbook requirement for ranks (18) in Perform, I'm not sure there is a reason for a need of a skill respec system based on that skill.

    And if you look forward to the next bard song in the PHB, Mass Suggestion, it has the requirement of bard level 18 and 21 ranks in perform. Don't be surprised if this is the same in DDO.
    Mass suggestion as a song? /drool...
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  10. #10
    Community Member greystone306's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Samadhi View Post
    Mass suggestion as a song? /drool...
    You realize it is most likely like the Suggestion song, where you have to use it on previously fascinated creatures.. takes some coordination with no AOE spells and charms etc when you sing Fascination..

  11. #11
    Community Member Pyromaniac's Avatar
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    Though it would be great to have a skill respec because of all the changes in the game since launch....

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thoon View Post
    As Inspire Heroics follows the Player's Handbook requirement for ranks (18) in Perform, I'm not sure there is a reason for a need of a skill respec system based on that skill.
    Oh no, there IS a reason- because characters shouldn't be permanently nerfed just because the player didn't remember a rule as he was clicking through level advancement.

    (And yeah, "until the devs raise the level cap" is effectively permanent for these purposes)

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Thoon View Post
    As Inspire Heroics follows the Player's Handbook requirement for ranks (18) in Perform, I'm not sure there is a reason for a need of a skill respec system based on that skill.

    And if you look forward to the next bard song in the PHB, Mass Suggestion, it has the requirement of bard level 18 and 21 ranks in perform. Don't be surprised if this is the same in DDO.
    you must remember that not all players play dnd and may not know all the specifics.

    again part of the problem is turbine created, ie balance skill for getting up after knockdown, trip was 1 change which affects many players, especially clerics made before it became important. balance is not a class skill for clerics and it is hard to max it out as clerics do not get alot of skill points. swim was not important before GH, then came an announcement that swimming will be implement and the skill will be very useful only to find out you do not need alot. anyone who invested more 1 ranks (0 for the str players) wasted their skill points

    is there a need for a skill respec? yes. in pnp dnd, all things are layed out. in ddo, thing changes and is unpredicatable. what is useful in 1 mod will become useless in another
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    you must remember that not all players play dnd and may not know all the specifics.

    again part of the problem is turbine created, ie balance skill for getting up after knockdown, trip was 1 change which affects many players, especially clerics made before it became important. balance is not a class skill for clerics and it is hard to max it out as clerics do not get alot of skill points. swim was not important before GH, then came an announcement that swimming will be implement and the skill will be very useful only to find out you do not need alot. anyone who invested more 1 ranks (0 for the str players) wasted their skill points

    is there a need for a skill respec? yes. in pnp dnd, all things are layed out. in ddo, thing changes and is unpredicatable. what is useful in 1 mod will become useless in another
    I couldn't agree more. I can't remember or count the number of threads posted asking for a skill respec, I guess they go unnoticed as i presume they do. Too many changes in the game and it seems the only solution to a problem is just to reroll . I have a question, whats more important, a completely new beginner area to attract more gamers and keep them for 1/2 weeks, or a skill respec to keep the players who wasted 2 or so months who screwed up their character a little so they feel confident and not rerolling or giving up on the game.
    Riminy Rimmy Rimmyy Rimmee Rimmeee Riminee Rimineee
    Officer - The Ashen

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Riminy View Post
    I couldn't agree more. I can't remember or count the number of threads posted asking for a skill respec, I guess they go unnoticed as i presume they do. Too many changes in the game and it seems the only solution to a problem is just to reroll . I have a question, whats more important, a completely new beginner area to attract more gamers and keep them for 1/2 weeks, or a skill respec to keep the players who wasted 2 or so months who screwed up their character a little so they feel confident and not rerolling or giving up on the game.
    Rim, shroud? had to ask ya here. waiting ingame for ya
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    Rim, shroud? had to ask ya here. waiting ingame for ya
    I wish!
    Riminy Rimmy Rimmyy Rimmee Rimmeee Riminee Rimineee
    Officer - The Ashen

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    you must remember that not all players play dnd and may not know all the specifics.

    again part of the problem is turbine created, ie balance skill for getting up after knockdown, trip was 1 change which affects many players, especially clerics made before it became important. balance is not a class skill for clerics and it is hard to max it out as clerics do not get alot of skill points. swim was not important before GH, then came an announcement that swimming will be implement and the skill will be very useful only to find out you do not need alot. anyone who invested more 1 ranks (0 for the str players) wasted their skill points

    is there a need for a skill respec? yes. in pnp dnd, all things are layed out. in ddo, thing changes and is unpredicatable. what is useful in 1 mod will become useless in another
    Sorry mate, but i have to disagree. Irrespective of whether or not players play dnd, there is a lil ole thing called a ddo webpage. On there you can find all manner of information, INCLUDING FEATS and PRE-Reqs for them. People can find their way on here to ask questions, to ***** and gripe about turbine etc, couple of clicks to the left of the forums area will take you to the compendium area about classes/feats/skills etc. Whilst some game mechanics have been changed, i would hazard a guess to say that pre-reqs for feats havent, especially class specific feats.

    You dont need 20 years experience of playing PnP DnD in order to be able to read a little bit about the character class you are building.

    In PnP, unless you have a REALLY generous DM, when you create your character you are stuck with the skills you have, you can suddenly delete a bunch and reallocate them. You can gain NEW skills over time, but not reallocate afterwards.

    So for mine, big thumbs down for any thoughts on skill respec. I design my toons for overall gameplay, not to excel in any one particular mod. I remember running crucible once where one guy said he had build his barbarian for the crucible quest, to me that meant no forward planning, great to be able to go for a swim, but that would be kinda useless in a liquidless dungeon.

    You may/will disagree with my point of view, but would you call for a skill respec if skills were changed to advantage you? I think not. Everyone should take the good with the bad, for every disadvantage with one skill, there is an advantage with something else.

    Just my $0.02 worth

    P.S, im not directed this at the OP, everyone can make mistakes like that, im directing it at all those that so often call for a skill respec because suddely the 800 HP barbarian cant kill the red names with a single swing, whereas they could before x skill was modified etc.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Riminy View Post
    I couldn't agree more. I can't remember or count the number of threads posted asking for a skill respec, I guess they go unnoticed as i presume they do. Too many changes in the game and it seems the only solution to a problem is just to reroll . I have a question, whats more important, a completely new beginner area to attract more gamers and keep them for 1/2 weeks, or a skill respec to keep the players who wasted 2 or so months who screwed up their character a little so they feel confident and not rerolling or giving up on the game.
    I have had my cleric since i started playing 2 1/2 years ago. Made some mistakes along the way, or rather different method of building to other people. Still original 28 pt build, and i still get the job done, maybe not as well as the latest healbots or "heal myself and screw the rest of the party because i want to lead the kill count" clerics, but still get it done nonetheless. Any player worth their salt will be able to work within a toons limitations rather than reroll because they have missed on pt in a skill at lvl 5. Majority of people that i see rerolling, and dont get me wrong, its not all, but majority that reroll are the powergamer sort that must have the uberest killing machine, with the min/max abilities and all the best gear, and no amount of skill respecs will make them happy.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by seldarin View Post
    Sorry mate, but i have to disagree. Irrespective of whether or not players play dnd, there is a lil ole thing called a ddo webpage. On there you can find all manner of information, INCLUDING FEATS and PRE-Reqs for them. People can find their way on here to ask questions, to ***** and gripe about turbine etc, couple of clicks to the left of the forums area will take you to the compendium area about classes/feats/skills etc. Whilst some game mechanics have been changed, i would hazard a guess to say that pre-reqs for feats havent, especially class specific feats.

    You dont need 20 years experience of playing PnP DnD in order to be able to read a little bit about the character class you are building.

    In PnP, unless you have a REALLY generous DM, when you create your character you are stuck with the skills you have, you can suddenly delete a bunch and reallocate them. You can gain NEW skills over time, but not reallocate afterwards.

    So for mine, big thumbs down for any thoughts on skill respec. I design my toons for overall gameplay, not to excel in any one particular mod. I remember running crucible once where one guy said he had build his barbarian for the crucible quest, to me that meant no forward planning, great to be able to go for a swim, but that would be kinda useless in a liquidless dungeon.

    You may/will disagree with my point of view, but would you call for a skill respec if skills were changed to advantage you? I think not. Everyone should take the good with the bad, for every disadvantage with one skill, there is an advantage with something else.

    Just my $0.02 worth

    P.S, im not directed this at the OP, everyone can make mistakes like that, im directing it at all those that so often call for a skill respec because suddely the 800 HP barbarian cant kill the red names with a single swing, whereas they could before x skill was modified etc.
    i built my 1st pally for "balance" play as well, put some points in heal, some points in concentration, some in jump and some in balance. then i found out, you dun really need heal skill (good for getting hp back in shrine, but i have loh before shrining), you dun really need conc to heal as a pally, yes conc is impt for casters and clerics, but pallys? loh is better (no conc check). now, hes just a mule
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    i built my 1st pally for "balance" play as well, put some points in heal, some points in concentration, some in jump and some in balance. then i found out, you dun really need heal skill (good for getting hp back in shrine, but i have loh before shrining), you dun really need conc to heal as a pally, yes conc is impt for casters and clerics, but pallys? loh is better (no conc check). now, hes just a mule
    When i first built my cleric, i knew that the heal skill was pretty much only for benefit from regaining hitpoints at shrine, AND also benefitting any party members shrining with you. I believe it may even be contained in the skill description that you can read as you level up and select skills, i do occassionally read what each skill says. The heal skill just to take that as a point of reference has been that way since day zero.

    Concentration is for when you make a skill check if you are hit during combat while casting spells, quicken gets around that. That also is part of the skill description. I would quote again that reading the skill before taking it would let you know if its going to benefit your class or not. I would hardly think that calls for a skill respec, if i dont read a skill and just take it thinking its the same as PnP, then that is my risk, not a fault of the game/devs.

    On my cleric, i only took three skills pretty much, maxed out heal, concentration and diplomacy, back in the day when diplomacy was useful for something, ie getting extra options at NPCs when selecting end quest loot, and yes it did work. That was my choice, and diplomacy still does have its uses, i just choose not to use it. I get maximum benefit from shrines as a result, rather than having my hitpoint bar half full.

    Those are the choices i made with my toon, and i honestly dont think that calls for a skill respec, skills have a description and can be read before taken.

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