Hi, everyone. Compiled a new trade list here. I'm open to trading multiple items for stuff on the needs list. PM me and send a tell in-game and see if we can work something out. Thanks.
Boots of the Innocent (very interested in this right now)
large ingredients
+8 armor bracers (any rr)
cursespewing of destruction rapier/ss/dagger/heavy or light mace/morningstar/sickle/longsword
all nice returners
+2 tomes (especially wisdom)
transmuting of backstabbing +5 rapier/ss/dagger
Trade List
+2 Frost Repeating Light Crossbow of Greater Lawful Outsider Bane
+1 Icy Burst Densewood Repeating Heavy Crossbow of Disruption
+2 Seeker (+2) Heavy Repeating Crossbow of Greater Goblinoid Bane
+2 Holy Burst Heavy Repeating Crossbow of Pure Good
+3 Holy Heavy Repeating Crossbow of Pure Good
+1 Frost Light Crossbow of Smiting
+1 Seeker (+4) Darkwood Longbow of Greater Giant Bane
+1 Axiomatic Shortbow of Greater Elemental Bane
+3 Keen Composite Shortbow of Greater Dragon Bane (rr dwarf)
+5 Crippling Longbow of Slowburst (nice debuff bow for ranged toons)
+1 Paralyzing Shortbow
+2 Paralyzing Longbow
+3 Banishing Longbow
+1 Banishing Composite Shortbow of Parrying
+1 Banishing Shortbow of Power I
+1 Crippling Composite Shortbow of Smiting
+5 Frost Khopesh of Maiming
+2 Paralyzing Longsword
+2 Seeker (+2) Battleaxe of Smiting
+1 Seeker (+2) Bastard Sword of Smiting
+ 1 Vorpal Dwarven Axe of Maiming
+1 Transmuting Greatsword of Disruption
+5 Crippling Kama of Slowburst
+2 Vorpal Kama of Backstabbing (+1)
+3 Vorpal Kama (will trade the pair for the right price)
+1 Vorpal Bastard Sword of Shatter (+2)
+1 Ghost Touch Heavy Mace of Smiting
+2 Banishing Club
+1 Axiomatic Silver Warhammer of Disruption
Armor and Shields:
+5 Full Plate of Stability
+5 Mithril Chain Shirt
+5 Mithril Chain Shirt of Lesser Cold Resistance
+4 Light Mithril Shield of Lesser Acid Resistance
Clothing, Etc.:
+6 Dexterity Gloves of Repairing (+3) rr Human
+ 6 Dexterous Boots of Springing ( +3) rr dwarf
+6 Dexterous Boots of Tumbling (+3) rr dwarf
+6 Charisma Hat
+6 Charisma Hat of Bluffing (+3) rr warforged
+6 Intelligence Helm
+6 Intelligence Helm of Bluffing (+3 Bluff)
+15 Heal Gloves
+15 Spot Goggles
+13 Spot Goggles (x3)
+13 Disable Device Ring
+13 Disable Device Goggles
+13 Open Lock Gloves rr Elf, Drow (UMD 18)
+13 Search Goggles
+13 Spot Ring
+13 Listen Ring
Shield Fragment Two