Trying to find a pug to do this on elite is a bit tough as of late. My guild is comprised of 3 real life friends so that won't quite cut it. If anyone feels they know the quest look me up. I need this for my silver flame favour and by putting this here I'm just trying to increase the responses I'm getting compared to the lfm's I've put up. I've done the quest a few times, just not on elite, which is why i understand the lack of pugs that do this quest. It is a bit confusing. Having done all the other silver flame quests on elite I dont think this favour is worth the grind, but none the less, i've come this far I might as well finish it. The pots are nice but not worth all those necro quests on elite. I need 7 more favour points to hit 400 (silver flame)
thanks for any takers in advance
look up mondo I usually plays nights on east coast.