Hey there DEV's been a while since i started a new thread just thought i'd drop a line about my new pet peve
I love my monk thouse who know him or me know how much i prefer to play with him over my many other toons. But as i hit lvl 14 and finally went broke buying my full set of instant kill weapons (banishing handwraps rock with stunning fist), I realized that there are no bane handwraps on the auction. Then i thought further I had never seen a bane handwrap in an endreward either. Then i asked around and no one says they have ever seen bane handwraps.
This is silly beyond silly ... are we gonna start getting bane handwraps in mod 8? and if mod 9 is the supposed lvl increase (rumor to 20 not 18) then is mod 8 expected for december or november be it that there is no splash screens up yet to preview i was just wondering if someone had a little info they could share as to why or when something is gonna be done ... thank you