I was thinking on the idea of Vet rewards again and was thinking on what SWG did right and wrong and came up with some ideas for what would be good for us. All these rewards are once per account not server or character though by using higher rank rewards you can get a lower one multiple times these would be for active days not for days from creation they could offer a command that let you see how many days you have and then use a current npc or and a new one to claim rewards from.
1. 3 month reward dragon shard or collapsed portable hole(shard correct one for the level of character claiming it)
2. 6 month reward Free rename or one of the above.
3. 9 month reward birthday djinn cake or one of the above.
4. 12 month reward Free server transfer or one of the above
5. 15 month reward 1 additonal character slot on server of your choice(this can only be chossen once and not used again in place of a higher reward)
6. 18 month reward name on a special fountain (like the founders) or one of the above(except for #5)
none of these are game breaking and I think useful to at least some.