I'm late in coming to this thread, but generally here is the bias against Rogues...
Most of these are perception and not truth.
1) Too squishy for really tough fights (sadly this mostly true)
Perception due to highly inflated hitpoints of other classes due to toughness Enhancments. Also not the numerous builds that reach 350-450 hp on a rogue
2) their AC is too low (yet another disappointing problem)
They have the potential to reach some of the highest AC in the game and with simple splash and the right buffs... the highest
3) they have weaker DPS than other classes (also true, but far from the worst)
Change one word in this phrase and you would be right. The work "weaker" should read "better". Rogues have better DPS than any other class for most content. Their weakness is against Undead. That said a Sorceror has better surge DPS as they can dump all their man in to damage spells really fast... but the best melee DPS is a rogue.
4) there is an incredible abundance of poorly played/built rogues out there, and by level 10 who wants another one in group that can barely kill something and have problems with all the traps (also very sad and true, especially in the level 3-8 range)
But by level 16 most of those rogues have been retired and usually the decent ones are left
5) Rogues slow the party down (Unfair, but some truth in it since DD and search animations are soooo slow)
This is due to poor trap design which only do damage. Make it an FtS trap or a maze trap and suddenly a rogue will speed things up
6) if the rogue isn't built poorly or knows whats going on, they generally want to prove how uber they are (I'm guilty of this at times, so sorry
THat's a player problem and not a class problem. I just wanna finish the dang quest
7) there is usually a "better option" for a party than a rogue because of #1-6 in the eyes of someone running the party.
Yep complete perception based on incorrect assumptions
8) And here's the kicker, not having a Rogue usually has no effect on a party whatsoever because we are only needed for looting certain chests.
And the reason here is because their should be a class that is mandatory to complete a quest... sadly sometimes it seems they only believe this is true for rogues though
9) it is the hardest class to build for a powerful end game build, and incredibly loot reliant claass. (like there's any class that doesn't rely on loot...*sigh)
It ain't an easy class that is true... but it is is one of the best for utility and ability
10) the party leader never could figure out how to play one and is biased. (only you can change this by teaching them rogues don't ruin a party)
Yeah I've had to prove some of them wrong in the past... but man do egos get bruised
As far as a Rogues' benfits, I think those have been covered pretty well. How do you fix the above problems? I have no idea.