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  1. #1

    Post Legendary Knights seeking serious and committed Abbot runners...

    Hey Argo...

    Legendary Knights of Mabar is on the verge of a "straight up" victory on the Abbot.

    On some nights we run this, we do not have a full group to go in with. We would like to PUG this out, but as those who have run this know, PUGn does not work in the Abbot real well. It takes serious teamwork and coordination to get it done. That requires a committment from everyone on the team.

    So, with this in mind, we are looking for a few good players to kill this LICH with us and fill those empty spots we have on some runs. Here is what we are looking for...
    • You must already be keyed for the Abbot Raid.
    • A zealous desire to kill the Abbot is a must!!!!
    • Familiarity with the quest and the puzzles is not a must, but helpful. We can't give you twitch skills, but we can teach you the puzzles. Those with some skillz are preferred!
    • Casters should be able to throw flesh-to-stone, greater dispel. The ability to summon MOBS is helpful. The best choice here are WF wizards.
    • EQUIPMENT: Fire grieves and the ring of djinn will help you greatly, but not a must. Any clicky that summons a mob on a fighter type is great. You must have at least one rez clicky.
    • Absolutely, positively must be able to follow instructions and work with the team.
    • Willingness to bind up in Necropolis, spend a bunch of PP on repair bills, and die often until we get you worked into the group.
    • All will roll on loot. Standard need before greed policies apply!
    We are not looking for folks who want to try it out and bail! If you are not genuinely interested in putting in the work to beat the Abbot, don't bother applying. We are looking for folks who are committed to killing the abbot straight up!

    What do you get? ... well...

    If you are as nuts as we are, you get the thrill of running the most despised quest in game. You will also get to take our collective knowledge of this quest back to your guild (and seriously ... we know a lot about this quest). Who knows? You might even find you like it among us and decide to stay on.

    If you are nuts enough to be interested in this offer and a glutton for punishment, please PM me or look me up in game.

    ~ Dex
    Last edited by Big-Dex; 09-03-2008 at 10:56 PM. Reason: changed our loot policy for these runs, see post below
    Member of Legendary Knights of Mabar :: Dex | Yonathan | Rexxx | Sallyanne | Yonn | Cazz | Qyx | Vexation | Brio | Fixxx | Sinz | Sykopath

  2. #2
    Community Member Natalae's Avatar
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    1) Guild member pulls loot the outsider is excluded from rolling on it.
    2) Outsider pulls loot, can keep but if he cant use it he gives it up.

    Is this correct or no in a nutshell?
    Psalm 144:1 Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle

  3. #3
    Community Member Spisey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natalae View Post
    1) Guild member pulls loot the outsider is excluded from rolling on it.
    2) Outsider pulls loot, can keep but if he cant use it he gives it up.

    Is this correct or no in a nutshell?
    That's what I read and stopped reading after that..

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Natalae View Post
    1) Guild member pulls loot the outsider is excluded from rolling on it.
    2) Outsider pulls loot, can keep but if he cant use it he gives it up.

    Is this correct or no in a nutshell?
    This is not entirely correct.

    We use a RAID point system in guild for scheduled RAIDS (and we schedule our Abbot Raids). If a guild member pulls the loot, it goes to the RAID leader to be purchased by RAID points first. If noone wants to buy the loot using RAID points, then it is put up for a roll to guidlies. If it is not needed by a guild member, then any non-guildies may roll. When it comes to the Abbot and depending upon the amount of participation by any non-guildie, we might make exceptions to our hard and fast rule if it comes down to a roll. Such an exception can't be made for RAID points though, as that is a guild only function. We obviously can't keep RAID points on a non-guildie. The fact is, we are typically very generous with our loot with those who help us out. Since the Abbot loot will be new to us, any loot might get picked up pretty quick. But that doesn't mean we won't take the help a non-guildie offers into consideration.

    As far as an outsider's loot, it is his to do with as he wishes. If he can't use it or doesn't want it, he/she may put it up for a roll if he/she likes.

    I hope that explains that more clearly. Our RAID point system might not work for some, that is why I put it out there up front to any who participate with us.

    ~ Dex
    Member of Legendary Knights of Mabar :: Dex | Yonathan | Rexxx | Sallyanne | Yonn | Cazz | Qyx | Vexation | Brio | Fixxx | Sinz | Sykopath

  5. #5
    Community Member Erekose's Avatar
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    Thumbs down Wow

    Thats a real shame, because we have REGULAR LNoM running with our guild in off-peak times and we never exclude them from rolling on loot in any of our raids. I really think your policy should only apply to guild runs only. Once you introduce guns for hire they WILL expect to keep their loot or expect to roll on loot. I suggest you don't PUG the Abbot or any raid and I will never to join a LNoM raid and speak to our guild leader in how we treat your members when they group with us in the future. I'm sure other guilds will do the same.

    This must be the most damaging thread to guild reputation I have ever seen. Congrats on being honest.

  6. #6
    Community Member Vengenance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Erekose View Post
    Thats a real shame, because we have REGULAR LNoM running with our guild in off-peak times and we never exclude them from rolling on loot in any of our raids. I really think your policy should only apply to guild runs only. Once you introduce guns for hire they WILL expect to keep their loot or expect to roll on loot. I suggest you don't PUG the Abbot or any raid and I will never to join a LNoM raid and speak to our guild leader in how we treat your members when they group with us in the future. I'm sure other guilds will do the same.

    This must be the most damaging thread to guild reputation I have ever seen. Congrats on being honest.
    I don't entirely agree, I've ran with LNoM numberous times and have had nothing but positive experiences with them so I don't think there reputation will be tarnished by this post. They may not get many people wanting to join their cause because of it, but I doubt it will hurt their reputation and I hate to see any of their members get blacklisted because of it. I like the fact that they're being honest, but I agree with you completely that once you open it up to pugs it should be pug rules and not guild rules, especially with this raid since it will take a lot of effort, time, and plat to get good enough to beat the raid.
    Charater Names: Mostly Jeryle for the dudes and Merreth for the ladies
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  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Erekose View Post
    Thats a real shame, because we have REGULAR LNoM running with our guild in off-peak times and we never exclude them from rolling on loot in any of our raids. I really think your policy should only apply to guild runs only. Once you introduce guns for hire they WILL expect to keep their loot or expect to roll on loot. I suggest you don't PUG the Abbot or any raid and I will never to join a LNoM raid and speak to our guild leader in how we treat your members when they group with us in the future. I'm sure other guilds will do the same.

    This must be the most damaging thread to guild reputation I have ever seen. Congrats on being honest.

    I am sorry you feel that way Erekose. Thanks for your suggestion and I am sure we will take it under consideration . Those who PUG with us know we are fair and very generous with loot, whether it is a scheduled guild RAID that we take a PUG or two along (because we have a spot or two) or a non-scheduled RAID in which everyone (guildie and PUG alike) rolls on the loot.

    As for speaking to your guild leader and whatever else you feel like you gotta do, that is your call. Seems kind of silly to me... but whatever.

    ~ Dex
    Member of Legendary Knights of Mabar :: Dex | Yonathan | Rexxx | Sallyanne | Yonn | Cazz | Qyx | Vexation | Brio | Fixxx | Sinz | Sykopath

  8. #8
    Community Member Nick_RC's Avatar
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    Tell ya what why dont u just put a exclusion from guild stuff on this raid until you beat it a coupla times. You might have more luck. Either way id like to finish it as id luck to upgrade my trinket. Il be on D@mnit or biggsexy.

    GROAN-1 (Melee/Casting Horc FVS)

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by jperz View Post
    the most despised quest in game.
    This is the point i was sold on. Some of my favorite quests are absolutely hated by most others.

    Count me in. I'm usually able to log on from 5:30pm to 12:00am EST. My main (wf wiz 16) is my only character ready for this raid, although could get a couple others ready fairly soon (15 wf ranger, 14 wf fighter). My wizard is true neutral, and thus cant use my rez clicky, but the other 2 can.
    My Videos Shadow Mage (ok, it's a build now)
    A forum post should be like a skirt - long enough to cover the subject material, but short enough to keep things interesting.
    Britches and Hose kidnapped my dog and are forcing him to farm Shroud ingredients.

  10. #10


    Hey Nick...

    Like I said, exceptions might be made, but we haven't had a chance to address it as officers yet... I will say, we are getting volunteers though, despite the LOOT policy. I will also add, we are very close to getting it done! Very close!
    Member of Legendary Knights of Mabar :: Dex | Yonathan | Rexxx | Sallyanne | Yonn | Cazz | Qyx | Vexation | Brio | Fixxx | Sinz | Sykopath

  11. #11
    Community Member Nirvana's Avatar
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    screw the loot... get it done!

    i'm so tired of shroud and mod7 raids, i'm in if you have spot.

    what time btw?

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  12. #12


    Will add you to the pick up list Nirv... next roll is Friday, Sept 5 at 9:30 CST. We will see how many spots are available. We usually have 3-4 spots open. Thanks for the help bro.
    Member of Legendary Knights of Mabar :: Dex | Yonathan | Rexxx | Sallyanne | Yonn | Cazz | Qyx | Vexation | Brio | Fixxx | Sinz | Sykopath

  13. #13
    Founder Vorn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jperz View Post
    Will add you to the pick up list Nirv... next roll is Friday, Sept 5 at 9:30 CST. We will see how many spots are available. We usually have 3-4 spots open. Thanks for the help bro.
    I'm with Nirv, screw the loot, I just want a completion. I'm on call this weekend so can't commit this time around. All I have is my fighter though anyway. He does have a rez clickie.

    Hope to catch you another time.
    Vorn, 30 Fighter

  14. #14
    Community Member Erekose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nick_robinsonchia View Post
    Tell ya what why dont u just put a exclusion from guild stuff on this raid until you beat it a coupla times. You might have more luck. Either way id like to finish it as id luck to upgrade my trinket. Il be on D@mnit or biggsexy.

    Yo Nick. You haven't completed this yet? LOL. I really think that this is a guild only raid. Of course you need a full group, hence the need for rez clickies right? Say no more, say no more, wink, wink, nudge, nudge.

    I hope the GM's ain't watching (whoops)

  15. #15
    Community Member Erekose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nirvana View Post
    screw the loot... get it done!

    i'm so tired of shroud and mod7 raids, i'm in if you have spot.

    what time btw?

    Nirv we can do it again with guild only, Damo wants to anyway. We just need to sit down and get back into the groove.

  16. #16
    Community Member Jondallar's Avatar
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    Nirv doesn't care about the loot b/c he has it all already. ;p

    On another note, I would not join where the loot isn't offered up to all members of the raid. However if a non guildy makes sure their trinket is fully upgraded, at least there is guaranteed raid quality armor/robe upon completion. That being said, jperz has been very dedicated to try and get this beotch done and I would like nothing more than to see LKoM be the second guild to get'er done :P

  17. #17
    Community Member Rameses's Avatar
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    I'll go with Ramises or Chakra.
    I'd like to beat the raid finally.
    Argonnessen's only Halfling Paragon.

  18. #18


    After talking with our officers, these Abbot runs with our honored guests will be open loot runs. All participants will get to roll on the loot. Standard need before greed policies apply. I will update my OP.

    ~ Dex
    Member of Legendary Knights of Mabar :: Dex | Yonathan | Rexxx | Sallyanne | Yonn | Cazz | Qyx | Vexation | Brio | Fixxx | Sinz | Sykopath

  19. #19
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    I'll pop on and do a few runs.

    Look for Stee.
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  20. #20
    Hamfather totmacher's Avatar
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    btw not to defend LK or to reproach it but if you look past the system, they are very fair people (I used to be a member) and the loot system is not used most of the time. I can see why they would after completing this raid though.

    don't knock em so hard, the loot system is not about greed, it's about need. most of the people in the LK guild usually go with what's fair unlike some of the pugs I've seen where the cleric takes the dq goggles or some****

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