So Litz was at it again thinking of ways to make the game better. I was reading a post about how people go AFK to much and it made me think to the many times I have been in a group and suddenly a player has to go afk cause the wife got home with the groceries, then they come back and say how the wife is upset that he's playing, and ultimatley the group has to do without that person. We'll were all adults even if we pretend in a fantasy game. If your going to sneak playing DDO and you know you got 30min, or a hour ect., wouldn't it be cool to look at a LFM see a group posting for help then you click the mission name and see stats on that mission which include the "Average" play time for completing it. They should compile this info for all players, and servers, and divide by the number of runs. I know there are people who will take pride in running it in 5min but they will ofset the others who enter the quests and play while the comercials are on. So we could budget our play time and avoid the angry spouse syndrome, or the late for work again senario..
As with other Litz ideas its now time to solicit opions from the other peanuts.