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  1. #1
    Community Member
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    Default Fighter Haste Boost Bug

    Hello all. Just thought I'd see if anyone else is experiencing the same issue as I am (I've reported the bug FYI).

    Occasionally when using my Haste Boost IV, the boost begins to count down as normal, but the boost does not apply. Now when this happens I don't loose a usage of the boost or anything the buff just goes into cooldown without applying, so it's not a huge loss, just more an annoyance when I'm trying to pour damage onto Harry or something, as I have to wait for the boost to reset before using it.

    I'm not pressing it prematurely or anything, and it's not every time. Happening more like 1 in 10.
    Anyone else experience anything similar?

  2. #2
    Community Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by shoveljon View Post
    Hello all. Just thought I'd see if anyone else is experiencing the same issue as I am (I've reported the bug FYI).

    Occasionally when using my Haste Boost IV, the boost begins to count down as normal, but the boost does not apply. Now when this happens I don't loose a usage of the boost or anything the buff just goes into cooldown without applying, so it's not a huge loss, just more an annoyance when I'm trying to pour damage onto Harry or something, as I have to wait for the boost to reset before using it.

    I'm not pressing it prematurely or anything, and it's not every time. Happening more like 1 in 10.
    Anyone else experience anything similar?
    I have noticed a similar thing with Rage. Exactly the same behavior: the timer starts running, but no use has been removed and no benefits conferred.

  3. #3
    Community Member Milamber69's Avatar
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    Yeah i have noticed it too, doesnt just happen with haste boost though, ive had it happen with my rages aswell, sometimes double clicking it when its on the cooldown cycle seems to activate it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arkat View Post
    Hi Welcome was first used in the DDO Forums on June 13th, 2009 in the Argonnessen forums by Milamber69.
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  4. #4
    Community Member Bunker's Avatar
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    Default testing one two

    Quote Originally Posted by shoveljon View Post
    Hello all. Just thought I'd see if anyone else is experiencing the same issue as I am (I've reported the bug FYI).

    Occasionally when using my Haste Boost IV, the boost begins to count down as normal, but the boost does not apply. Now when this happens I don't loose a usage of the boost or anything the buff just goes into cooldown without applying, so it's not a huge loss, just more an annoyance when I'm trying to pour damage onto Harry or something, as I have to wait for the boost to reset before using it.

    I'm not pressing it prematurely or anything, and it's not every time. Happening more like 1 in 10.
    Anyone else experience anything similar?
    To those speaking of this potential issue. Let me ask you this question. Do you have auto attack activated, or is your "hold attack to activate auto attack" active?

    You see, I too have noticed similar moments, where looking to activate both rage and action boost have not happened but the cooldown timer had started. This has in my situation always been because my auto attack in some fashion was going. Test this theory I have presented to you and see if you notice a difference.


    Quote Originally Posted by Milamber69 View Post
    Yeah i have noticed it too, doesnt just happen with haste boost though, ive had it happen with my rages aswell, sometimes double clicking it when its on the cooldown cycle seems to activate it.
    Yes, I have also noticed that if you see the boost not activate, just hit your hotkey again.
    Mothergoose - Kardinal - Bunks

  5. #5
    Founder vyvy3369's Avatar
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    This happens to just about anything with a timer, and seems to be associated with lagging while trying to activate it. It's most pronounced with long-activation animation abilities - in part 1 of the Shroud I don't lag a lot, but when I do I've noticed that trying to haste or refresh songs the effect sometimes just doesn't go off even though the animation kicks in.
    Quote Originally Posted by vyvy3369 View Post
    "Fortune and glory, kid. Fortune and glory.
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    All done with Completionist (again) and Epic Completionist. First character to 30 on Sarlona* (before the rollback).

  6. #6
    Community Member Pardish's Avatar
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    I find it only happens if i'm standing still hit the button then move before the animation is over. So now I just jump then hit it while im in the air (like casting) if I dont want to be slowed down. Or if you are already moving it will usually make you stop till the animation completes.

  7. #7
    Community Member Kreaper's Avatar
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    It has nothing to do with moving. I thought the same thing until I tested it. I made sure that every time I raged I was not moving or even touching my mouse or keyboard except for the one key to rage and it still happens. My time pendant is another one that is bad to do this.
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