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An occasional accurate complaint voiced during modules 6 and 7 is the lack of good high-level shields. In particular, people say that there should have been Green Steel shields craftable in The Shroud. Well, that would have been a fine improvement back then, but at this time there's no call to add more loot options to an existing quest. New shields should come from new content, so that when module 8 is out players don't field obligated to head right back into Shroud for new goodies (which is what happened in mod 7).
Module 7 did have two new shields added, but they actually made the problem a little worse. You see, the primary benefit of the Levik and Lorrick shields is their 15 blocking DR, which beats all existing tower shields. However, that benefit is fully usable even by characters who don't fight with a shield, because they can simply swap out from THF or TWF when it's time to block for a little. Module 7 also introduced the monk class, which provides AC bonuses incompatible with the use of a shield, boosting the AC of certain robe-wearing builds to well above what a shield or tower shield can achieve.
The simplest way to begin rectifying the shield problem is to add some nice new loot that only comes as shields. Following are some examples of interesting named shields that could be created. All should be +5, and I will not specify if they should be tower, heavy, or light, although the majority should be heavy. Some could have more blocking DR than usual.
Undead themed- Exclusive. Attacks on wielder have 10% incorporeal miss chance (unless ghost touch). 3x usage clicky effect to gain 50% incorpreal miss chance for 20 sec, which only works so long as the shield is equipped. Necromancy focus.
Stormfist giants themed- +8 enhancement bonus to constitution, natural armor 5, vertigo+4. (Note that unequipping this item could be fatal, which is part of the fun)
Marut themed- Axiomatic, DR 5/Chaos, Lightning 20, Sonic 20, Seeker+2, Weighted+4, Feat: Improved Crit Bludgeon
Dragon themed- Fire 40, Fire Absorption 33%, Sleep/Paralysis Immunity, Fire Guard, Greater Combustion IX, +2 morale bonus to strength.
Heroic theme- Pure Good, Protection +5, Charisma +6, +4 Insight AC, +2 morale bonus to attacks/saves/skills, Fear immunity
Aside from the specific suggestions above, random shields could be made more attractive by allowing them to include properties like Seeker, Weighted, Backstabbing, or any other weapon property that applies to more than just that item.