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  1. #1
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    Default Module 8 needs shield loot

    An occasional accurate complaint voiced during modules 6 and 7 is the lack of good high-level shields. In particular, people say that there should have been Green Steel shields craftable in The Shroud. Well, that would have been a fine improvement back then, but at this time there's no call to add more loot options to an existing quest. New shields should come from new content, so that when module 8 is out players don't field obligated to head right back into Shroud for new goodies (which is what happened in mod 7).

    Module 7 did have two new shields added, but they actually made the problem a little worse. You see, the primary benefit of the Levik and Lorrick shields is their 15 blocking DR, which beats all existing tower shields. However, that benefit is fully usable even by characters who don't fight with a shield, because they can simply swap out from THF or TWF when it's time to block for a little. Module 7 also introduced the monk class, which provides AC bonuses incompatible with the use of a shield, boosting the AC of certain robe-wearing builds to well above what a shield or tower shield can achieve.

    The simplest way to begin rectifying the shield problem is to add some nice new loot that only comes as shields. Following are some examples of interesting named shields that could be created. All should be +5, and I will not specify if they should be tower, heavy, or light, although the majority should be heavy. Some could have more blocking DR than usual.

    Undead themed- Exclusive. Attacks on wielder have 10% incorporeal miss chance (unless ghost touch). 3x usage clicky effect to gain 50% incorpreal miss chance for 20 sec, which only works so long as the shield is equipped. Necromancy focus.

    Stormfist giants themed- +8 enhancement bonus to constitution, natural armor 5, vertigo+4. (Note that unequipping this item could be fatal, which is part of the fun)

    Marut themed- Axiomatic, DR 5/Chaos, Lightning 20, Sonic 20, Seeker+2, Weighted+4, Feat: Improved Crit Bludgeon

    Dragon themed- Fire 40, Fire Absorption 33%, Sleep/Paralysis Immunity, Fire Guard, Greater Combustion IX, +2 morale bonus to strength.

    Heroic theme- Pure Good, Protection +5, Charisma +6, +4 Insight AC, +2 morale bonus to attacks/saves/skills, Fear immunity

    Aside from the specific suggestions above, random shields could be made more attractive by allowing them to include properties like Seeker, Weighted, Backstabbing, or any other weapon property that applies to more than just that item.

  2. #2
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  3. #3
    Community Member edana's Avatar
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    2 Heroic theme togo plz!!!

  4. #4
    Community Member Jondallar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angelus_dead View Post
    An occasional accurate complaint voiced during modules 6 and 7 is the lack of good high-level shields. In particular, people say that there should have been Green Steel shields craftable in The Shroud. Well, that would have been a fine improvement back then, but at this time there's no call to add more loot options to an existing quest. New shields should come from new content, so that when module 8 is out players don't field obligated to head right back into Shroud for new goodies (which is what happened in mod 7).

    Module 7 did have two new shields added, but they actually made the problem a little worse. You see, the primary benefit of the Levik and Lorrick shields is their 15 blocking DR, which beats all existing tower shields. However, that benefit is fully usable even by characters who don't fight with a shield, because they can simply swap out from THF or TWF when it's time to block for a little. Module 7 also introduced the monk class, which provides AC bonuses incompatible with the use of a shield, boosting the AC of certain robe-wearing builds to well above what a shield or tower shield can achieve.

    The simplest way to begin rectifying the shield problem is to add some nice new loot that only comes as shields. Following are some examples of interesting named shields that could be created. All should be +5, and I will not specify if they should be tower, heavy, or light, although the majority should be heavy. Some could have more blocking DR than usual.

    Undead themed- Exclusive. Attacks on wielder have 10% incorporeal miss chance (unless ghost touch). 3x usage clicky effect to gain 50% incorpreal miss chance for 20 sec, which only works so long as the shield is equipped. Necromancy focus.

    Stormfist giants themed- +8 enhancement bonus to constitution, natural armor 5, vertigo+4. (Note that unequipping this item could be fatal, which is part of the fun)

    Marut themed- Axiomatic, DR 5/Chaos, Lightning 20, Sonic 20, Seeker+2, Weighted+4, Feat: Improved Crit Bludgeon

    Dragon themed- Fire 40, Fire Absorption 33%, Sleep/Paralysis Immunity, Fire Guard, Greater Combustion IX, +2 morale bonus to strength.

    Heroic theme- Pure Good, Protection +5, Charisma +6, +4 Insight AC, +2 morale bonus to attacks/saves/skills, Fear immunity

    Aside from the specific suggestions above, random shields could be made more attractive by allowing them to include properties like Seeker, Weighted, Backstabbing, or any other weapon property that applies to more than just that item.

    great idea however the effets you have listed are sadly to useful to be implimented for s/b characters ( they can only include benefit that are slightly worse than benefits received by existing 1 slot items). if it saves more than one item slot on a shield then turbine doesnt want in, unless its another weapon for rangers or other twf... but mostly rangers as turbine dev team seems to have Drizzt-ites and only benefits twf or maybe thf. S/b is soooo TSR fantasy and has no place in the WotC era of heroic fantasy as indicated by the love given rangers and twf as compared to traditional armor wearing s/b types

  5. #5
    Founder Vorn's Avatar
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    Create a +5 mith tower shield that has a +3 dodge bonus on it...then put it in the Abbot!!!

    On a more serious note, as has been discussed in multiple other threads, it's going to be tough to make S/B an attractive alternative for a/c folks with the abundance of ranger splash monks wearing icey raiments (the new ranger uniform, get at your GoP vendors today!).

    In addition to A_D's suggestions maybe something that includes 10 points of damage soak or maybe even a % general damage soak might be helpful, kind of a firestorm greaves for melee damage.
    Vorn, 30 Fighter

  6. #6
    Community Member Yaga_Nub's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jondallar View Post
    great idea however the effets you have listed are sadly to useful to be implimented for s/b characters ( they can only include benefit that are slightly worse than benefits received by existing 1 slot items). if it saves more than one item slot on a shield then turbine doesnt want in, unless its another weapon for rangers or other twf... but mostly rangers as turbine dev team seems to have Drizzt-ites and only benefits twf or maybe thf. S/b is soooo TSR fantasy and has no place in the WotC era of heroic fantasy as indicated by the love given rangers and twf as compared to traditional armor wearing s/b types
    Don't hate on rangers just because YOU are a gimp Jond.
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  7. #7
    The Hatchery sirgog's Avatar
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    Here's one I'd make if asked to design one. Cleric themed.

    Pious Defender
    Raid Loot - A Vision of Destruction
    +5 Heavy Steel Shield
    Increased base AC - total item AC of 8
    Superior Devotion 6
    Absorb Negative Energy 5/day (as per Silver Flame trinket)
    Unique Clicky: Superior Efficacy 9 3/day (This is a 30-second burst of Superior Potency 9)
    I don't have a zerging problem.

    I'm zerging. That's YOUR problem.

  8. #8


    The Fortress

    +5 mithral tower shield
    DR20/- non stackable always active (even when not in shield block you get the 20DR, 20DR is added to total DR when blocking)

    sorta like docent of defiance cept no proccing required
    If you want to know why...

  9. #9
    Community Member Nikorr123's Avatar
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    I disagree, I think there are nice shields that drop in hound and necropolis.

  10. #10
    Community Member Turial's Avatar
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    Shield of Thorns

    This shield was harvested from the briar patches guarding the ancient forts of the hill giants of Xendric. The brambles that make up this sheild have been specially woven to guard the wearer against damage and feed some of it back to the attacker.

    +5 Heavy Wooden Shield

    Damage Feedback 5% - When the bearer of this shield is hit ,5% of the damage is directed back to the attacker.

    Entangling brambles - When the bearer of this shield is hit, there is a chance that the power of the shield will manifest and call upon the local flora to reach up and immobalize the attacker (effect similar to web) for a period of time.
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  11. #11


    Agree with the main point of the OP. ESPECIALLY agree with adding more prefix/postfix benefits to Shields so random drops are better. Right now, other than maybe a +5 Mithral Tower Shield, all random drop shields completely suck. Seeker on a shield (that affects the main weapon like a bloodstone and not just bashing) would be a huge improvement to S&B, BUT ONLY IF YOU CAN GET IT ON A +5 SHIELD. Otherwise we are still trading shield AC for DPS which is part of the problem there are better options in the offhand if you are going to trade AC for DPS.

    I'd like to see shield crafting. Not a bad point, if it's in a raid other than the shroud that would be nice so we don't have to continue to shroud farm. Or, even better, drop ingredients in all chests (but rare of course) so I have a reason to run stuff on Elite and be rewarded for the challenge.

  12. #12


    Mod 8 is supposed to have another implementation of raid crafting. Turbine states that it woudl be different than the shroud, so my hope is armor and shields to complement the shrouds weapons and items. This would make some sense as I hope Turbine would not just create more powerful weapons basically killing the need or desire to run the shroud.
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  13. #13
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    While they are all nice shield ideas, i doubt any would use them except for role playing. I'm seriously considering dropping all my shields because it doesn't help enough for AC. Shield users get hit on every swing from the mob, so it's pointless... It will only get worse when the cap hits 20 and we are still looking at +5 mithral shields we looted with a lvl8 requirement.

  14. #14
    Community Member Nikorr123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shagn View Post
    While they are all nice shield ideas, i doubt any would use them except for role playing. I'm seriously considering dropping all my shields because it doesn't help enough for AC. Shield users get hit on every swing from the mob, so it's pointless... It will only get worse when the cap hits 20 and we are still looking at +5 mithral shields we looted with a lvl8 requirement.
    This is a false statment. I use a shield and can sit in vod elite all day without getting hit except on 20

  15. #15
    Community Member Beherit_Baphomar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    Mod 8 is supposed to have another implementation of raid crafting. Turbine states that it woudl be different than the shroud, so my hope is armor and shields to complement the shrouds weapons and items. This would make some sense as I hope Turbine would not just create more powerful weapons basically killing the need or desire to run the shroud.
    IF they do put armours/shields into crafting lets hope they also put a little time in the art department.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grace_ana View Post
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  16. #16
    Founder Crarites's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArkoHighStar View Post
    Mod 8 is supposed to have another implementation of raid crafting. Turbine states that it woudl be different than the shroud, so my hope is armor and shields to complement the shrouds weapons and items. This would make some sense as I hope Turbine would not just create more powerful weapons basically killing the need or desire to run the shroud.
    If thats the case lets hope they also remember docents this time around.
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  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Shagn View Post
    While they are all nice shield ideas, i doubt any would use them except for role playing. I'm seriously considering dropping all my shields because it doesn't help enough for AC. Shield users get hit on every swing from the mob, so it's pointless... It will only get worse when the cap hits 20 and we are still looking at +5 mithral shields we looted with a lvl8 requirement.
    Another "everyone who isn't a TWF barb/ranger is gimped" viewpoint...sigh...

    Just curious...since I get a 30 DR while shield blocking, I can sit and intimidate / shield block all day with my shield, dramatically helping the rest of the party as much as a single character's DPS. Exactly how would you propose I do this without a shield?

    Shields are not just about AC.

    If you are wearing a shield and getting hit on every swing from a mob, then you're right, you should get rid of your fact, you should reroll completely as you probably didn't spec for TWF/THF from the beginning and your AC with S&B sounds very gimped.

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Beherit_Baphomar View Post
    IF they do put armours/shields into crafting lets hope they also put a little time in the art department.

  19. #19
    Community Member Thrudh's Avatar
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    We need shield love...

  20. #20


    @AD, nice suggestions. Shields really need to be better than vanilla +9 to AC.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aranticus View Post
    The Fortress

    +5 mithral tower shield
    DR20/- non stackable always active (even when not in shield block you get the 20DR, 20DR is added to total DR when blocking
    This is grossly, seriously overpowered...
    Last edited by Borror0; 09-02-2008 at 03:51 PM., #1 source for DDO information.

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