On the official D&D forums, from the WotC website, the rules are fairly strictly enforced, to the effect that moderators will delete posts or threads with non-OSL content, and users who repeatedly violate the OSL get banned. The point of the OSL isn't so much to prevent someone from making money off of the content, but to prevent people from giving the content away for free.
Think of it as equivalent to posting the latest CDs on your website in full for free download by anyone. You may give due credit, and you aren't trying to make money, but the artists and record labels will be really bent out of shape since they want to SELL this material.
I'm not trying to get on your ass about this, but pointing it out. And as I said, I doubt WotC trolls these boards searching for these kinds of violations, and I doubt Turbine does either, but it IS something to be aware of.